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Willow is a young male wolf, he lives in a land called Silver Gold Vile. Silver Gold Vile is known for its peacefulness and beauty, it's green hills, it's colorful flowers and it's crystal clear water. As Willow laid in his pleasant cold den, in deep thought he began to grow hungry, Willow then got up and left his den. As Willow walked around searching for something to feast on he noticed that the whole forest of life was silent, as if the whole forest was holding its breath. Realization slapped him, Willow realized that the whole forest was hiding for him "Tch! There's no fun around here" Willow growled to himself. After a long time of walking and searching he found the remains of a rabbit, that will do, Willow thought to himself, while walking towards the corpse of the rabbit. After Willow was done with his dinner he decided to retreat to his den. It's not like he has things to do which he doesn't, he can lay all day in his cold den, not a care in the world. When Willow had arrived at his den he laid down, feeling the pleasing coldness of the stone ground. All Willow does is sleep or think, that's how Willow likes it. Or at least he thinks he does.

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