Chapter 5

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He's dead...

Katsuki thought to himself as his mother started yelling at the desk lady insulting her, while Masaru tried to calm her down.

"HOW IS HE DEAD?!" Mitsuki kept yelling confused with, everything. Her vision getting blurry from the tears flowing down her cheeks. Masaru pulled her back, "Honey let's relax-" "HOW CAN I RELAX WHEN THAT POOR BOY IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE!" Mitsuki shouted making her husband and son flinch, before she started to break down on the spot.

"Honey..." Masaru approached her slowly to try and comfort her. "He's such a good kid- he d-doesn't deserve all th-th-this..." She started to hiccup uncontrollably. Katsuki seeing his mother in the state she is, broke his heart.

He went up to her and gave her a hug to help her relax, "It's- ... ok mom..." he whispered to her gently hugging her, "I'm- sure he's out there still..." he said to reasure her as she continued to cry in his arms. He felt a few tears flow from his face, Masaru was a bit surprised with Katsuki's action but felt glad as well. He went to fully go and hug his wife and son as both him and Katsuki did their best to make her feel better.

Eventually they left the police station to head home, Mitsuki sniffing once in a while during the car ride. Katsuki felt a heavy weight in his chest as he sat in the car, Deku dead... surely he isn't, right..? He thought over and over again. He didn't like Deku obviously but to have him out of his life was something he never wished for, thinking that made the heavyweight more unbearable causeing him to tear up a bit. Quickly, he wiped them off as soon as his vision began to blur, he doesn't need to cry that nerd is still out there no need to cry for him.

The car ride was quiet the whole way home occasionally hearing Mitsuki sniff, once they got home she just went to the kitchen while the other two went to the living room to watch TV. "Hey, son?" Masaru called making Katsuki perk up and look at him. "What is it...?" Katsuki responded his voice quivered as he spoke.

"That was nice of you to comfort your mother, I was surprised you did that really." Masaru said almost laughing at his last statement, "It was... just..." Katsuki stopped to try and figure out how to properly respond, he didn't seem to know which words to use. Masaru waited patiently. "I just never seen her like that." He scoffed but not in a mean way, "I'm so use to her yelling, that seeing her cry was just odd and off putting really..." He said hoping it didn't sound mean or harsh since their current mood wasn't the greatest at the moment. "I see what you mean..." Masaru said smiling, Katsuki felt more at ease when he saw his dad smile at him, knowing that his dad understood what he said wasn't meant to offend his mom. They both watched TV together while Mitsuki... cooked? They weren't aware. They just did their own thing while she was in kitchen doing something, Masaru went to go check on her after an hour or so. Making sure she was ok, And saw her actually cooking something.

"Hey honey..." He went up to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek, "What are you making?" He asked almost whispering to her. "I decided to make some spicy curry for the brat, I think he's earned it." She said in her more usual kind of tone and Masaru took notice of that, feeling relieved that she was feeling better. He hummed in response.

After a couple of minutes Katsuki being distracted by the TV suddenly smelled something... spicy. He went to the kitchen and the smell got even stronger, "Hey shortie smell something!" Mitsuki said teasingly, making Katsuki growl slightly. "What did you make..." He asked and she then proceeded to push him into the kitchen to introduce the dish she made, "HEY! DON'T PUSH ME YOU- Huh..?" He looked at the plate set on the counter for a moment, "Curry?" He was set aback for a bit, "I just made it a bit more spicy!" She said with a genuine smile on her face, "And all just for my little brat!" She finished her sentence teasingly.

Katsuki was dumbfounded, he looked at her shocked. "Wait, what?" He asked, "Just eat it before it gets cold!" She growled at him making him scoff, "Ok ok... thanks." He whispered the last word hoping she didn't hear, but she did. He went to the kitchen table and eat while both Mitsuki and Masaru went to the living room together.



Oh how very cold...

How long can I live like this

I... don't want to...

Live like this...

I don't want to live...


"Ahh..." he woke up suddenly, it was pretty cold but he managed to keep warm. A nightmare... What a nightmare he thought as he was waking up it took him a bit to stand but he managed, he had some cash with him to go and buy at least some chips. He's surprised to have lasted 4 months and 2 weeks on his own.

He went to the nearest liquor store to go and buy some food. When he went to go pay the cashier looked at him funny, I probably smell bad he thought to himself as he was leaving. He went to hide in some alley to avoid weird people or crackheads that could possibly be around, as he was eating he couldn't help but cry. He felt pity for himself, but he at least felt lucky that he's still living.

He also couldn't help but be mad too, no one helped him at all. He was still young but no one decided to help him, he felt scared. Scared that he was suffering the way he was, scared that he was alone. Well not completely alone, "Right..?" He said as he was rubbing his stomach. "We don't need anyone but each other... Not my mom, not..." he stopped and thought, thought of him.

"And most definitely NOT... Kacchan..." Izuku said as his tears started to slowly flow down his cheek. He thought of everything the blonde did after, that day. The bullying, the shit talking, the making fun of him, everything. He hated him, right? Yeah of course he hated him... of course...

It quickly started to turn dark Izuku was tired, he didn't have anymore money and hasn't eaten anything else but those chips that morning. The hunger he was feeling made his head hurt and eventually he felt dizzy, he started stumbling around trying to keep his balance. He felt cold, he didn't want to die but of he did, than he could escape but he didn't want to leave yet. He needs to keep going, for his baby.

He soon fell to his knees unable to feel his legs, he soon just accepted his fate he layed down on the cold floor and let reality take over. He closed his eyes for his final moment...

But to his surprise he managed to stay alive, he could feel his body get lifted of the ground as he was being carried somewhere, and than nothing. He heard beeping noises but was to tired to care, he layed there as he fell asleep to the sound that was somehow satisfying...

Words: 1257

I actually had fun writing this chapter hope its fun reading it lol, anyways my friend really wanted the next chapter SO NOW YOU HAVE BITCH STFUU NOWW. P.S. love you but like shut up uwu you know who you are >:(

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