Snow is Cold

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set after the war, The gang comes to visit the the South Pole

Sokka's POV

The South Pole was freezing, of course. But Sokka was used to it. He did grow up in the ice and snow. But you know who didn't, Toph.The snow was way to cold for her, and she refused to wear shoes. Sokka had begged her to at least put on a snow jacket, at first she refused and punched Sokka in the arm, but after a bit more begging, she caved in.The one thing she wouldn't wear, was shoes." I can't see!" She crossed her arms. She was on the snow, not being able to since any land at all. "This is hard!" " it is, how did you guys grow up here?" Zuko asked the siblings. He had on at least 3 pairs of jackets, 2 pairs of pants, and a scarf." I guess we are just used to it" Katara shrugged, " you know, like Toph is used to earth, and you are with fire"" speaking of earth, this isn't it, everything is fuzzy and it's cold!" She complained a bit. She then attempted to hold her foot, to warmIt up, but that ended with her falling back into the snow.Sokka held out a hand for her to help her up. Once she did, she started to brush the show from her. Sokka turned to the rest of the gang, " I'll help Toph with her feet, we will meet you guys back in the village soon" everyone agreed and started to head back." I told you to wear shoes" Sokka pulled out a pair from his pouch. He helped her put them on and get to her feet.  she groaned, " I can't see Sokka, I don't know where I'm going" she whined, then clinger onto Sokka's arm, " I'm going to trip, bump into something, I'm not sure if I can do this" she held on a bit tighter." well I could carry you if you need me to" he suggested, his face turned a bit deeper red before scratching the back of his neck, " u-unless that would be to weird"" weird?" She asked, " Sokka, you always carry me" she pointed out. he nodded, " well, that is true, so I guess I'll carry you" he shrugged. He then picked her up, bridal style and started to carry her through the snow. Toph had leaned into his chest, and listened to his heartbeat. She smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying Sokka's heart. A little while later Sokka sighed, " my arms are getting tired, can I carry you on my back instead?" He asked.she nodded, " sure" they stopped, then Sokka allowed Toph to jump onto his back. They started walking again. Tophs arms just hung off Sokka's shoulders. She rested her head on his shoulder and took in his scent, smiling.a little while later they had to stop for a break. They sat in the snow, sitting very close to eachother, cuddling. Toph held onto Sokka's arm, not wanting to let go. They sat there for a while before deciding to go ahead and continued walking. Toph decided to give Sokka a break from carrying her. She continued to cling onto his arm and walk the rest of the way. She couldn't see at all. She had to put all her faith and trust into Sokka. Witch wasn't hard. She always trusted Sokka, and always will. no matter what

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