CH4 - A Star is Born, and Wants to Go Back to Sleep

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You slapped around for your phone, turning off your alarm in the process.

Thank goodness it's a Saturday. you thought.

You snapped upright in your bed. Oh shit! It's Saturday!

Thankfully, past-you had thought ahead and set the alarm for future-you, so you had time to clean your apartment and set up for the potluck tonight. Your muscles were less sore than yesterday, but your cleaning definitely didn't give them the rest they desperately needed. Once your apartment was in a decent-enough shape for college students, you began working on the food. Based on your knowledge of the bandmates, you assumed Vanelope would bring something sweet, a dessert of some kind, Miguel and Tip would pair up a fruity-boozey drink combined with a main dish, something salty and savory, and the other two....Boo and Varian? They would be wild cards. Miguel and Tip loved cooking, so you knew they were going to make their dish. The others could probably purchase things, so maybe chips, dip, sweets, and drinks. Cool.

This didn't help you at all.

Your nerves running you up a wall, you decided to call Tip and ask, she was the planner of your trio so she'd be the most likely to understand.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up?"

"Hey Tip, I'm sorry to bother you last-minute, but I'm trying to think of something to make for the potluck. Do you know what everyone else is bringing? Should I supply the alcohol or are you guys bringing stuff? Are there any allergies? Food restrictions? I don't know why I didn't ask any of this when we all sat down to talk. Sorry I just-"

"-Hun, slow down. Chill. Miguel and I are bringing some twisted Aguas Frescas with Huevos Rancheros if you're cool with us using your stove,- "

You laughed out a 'yes', of course she'd do breakfast for dinner.

"-Vans is going to buy some cookies on the way, she's got a mid-term to study for so she won't be sleeping over by the way, Boo is going to bring....I think she said butter mochi? She's going dry tonight so she'll be the DD for Vans, and Varian," Tip laughed through the phone conspiratorially, "He's got ya covered on alcohol, no worries."

You shook your head, knowing she couldn't see it, "Alrighty, so sweets and drinks are covered, I'll make another dinner dish, yeah?"

"Yeah," she chuckled "veggies and carbs would be welcomed, but anything is good"

You smiled, relieved, "Sweet, thanks Tip!"

The two of you said your good-byes and you ended the call. It all seemed kind of random, so you guessed there was no "true" theme, but you'd definitely try. Checking your fridge to see what you had stocked, you figured you had what you needed to make a nice rice dish with some chicken and vegetables, so you wouldn't need to go grocery shopping tonight. You had the afternoon free!

You spent the remainder of the morning lazing around, phone on Do Not Disturb mode, resting and icing your sore muscles before you had to shower and get dressed for the events of the evening.


"Hiro, you won't believe who's been blowing up online! You've gotta check this out, what ARE the chances?!" Fred called from the entrance of his room, holding a large bowl of popcorn in one arm and his phone outstretched in the other. Hiro, Wasabi, Gogo, and Honey Lemon were setting up a movie in his "Fred Cave" when he walked. Hiro chuckled lightheartedly as he rose from the couch to approach his blonde friend,
"What is it now Fred?"


"Testing, testing, one two - No WAY, you're the one from that shark video that's been blowing up online!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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