Chapter 6 The Calm Before a Storm

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Happy Late New Year the song is just something I was listening to while writing this

Happy Late New Year the song is just something I was listening to while writing this

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So it's been a week since I've heard or seen Hisoka. I would love to lie and say I'm not worried and that I don't miss him. OMG, I sound like a lovesick puppy. Yeah, it's time to hang out with a friend or something.

Y/n grabbed her phone and texted her friend Nora.

Y/n: Hey Sexy Pants wyd?

Nora: Being bored at home wbu Gorgeous?

Y/n: Same and I don't feel like working today.

Nora: Hey come over here and be bored with me.

Nora: We could watch movies and shows and even take a nap.

Y/n: I'm already out the door at those statements.

Y/n immediately got a small backpack and filled it with a change of clothes, a laptop, and her chargers.

Alright, all set Nora here I come.

Y/n started making her way to Nora's apartment while looking at all the scenery.

"Omg is that purin!!!!" Y/n squealed with excitement.

Y/n practically ran into the store and bought way too many.

Ok, now it's time to go to Nora's place. I can't wait to devour these and maybe share them with Nora too. Huh oh, I must have zoned out because I'm already here. Pfft, I need to stop zoning out sometimes.

Y/n knocks on the door and waits for Nora to let her in.

Y/n and Nora decided to build a whole fort out of pillows and blankets. They put all the snacks and drinks along with a laptop.

"Ok, now we are fully prepared to binge on movies and shows tonight." Nora squealed.

"Heh, who needs sleep right?" Y/n snorted.

"Alright let the all-nighter commence!" Nora cheered.

After ten movies Y/n mind started to wander back to a certain magician who continued to plague her mind.

I wonder if he died, or maybe he was caught by the cops or maybe he was kidnapped or

"Y/N!" Nora shouted.

"Y-yeah?" Y/n yelped.

"Are you okay? I was trying to ask if you wanted any snacks. It looked like you spaced out." Nora pointed out.

"S-sorry I must have been thinking too hard," Y/n said sheepishly.

Dammit, Hisoka, get out of my head so I can hang with my friend.

"Wanna talk about it?" Nora cautioned.

*Sigh* Should I tell her if I do it can't be the whole truth because I did witness him murder someone and didn't report it.

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