First days with Reunion

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(At an Ursus slave mining operation on the outskirts of the territory, gun fire and the clash of blades against shields can be heard as an assault be heard. It's battle coming to a close as the guards are mercilessly slaughtered one by one.)

(A single guard is running for their life while covering their bleeding eye with one hand, running through the corridors of the mining camp. Their heavy breaths echoing alongside a slow boot step of their assailant growing ever closer but never showing themselves. The guard stops to catch their breath in a darkened room f where a broken pipeline has filled it with a heavy mist, their panic growing as the footsteps grow ever closer and then suddenly stop...)

(The guard readies their sword and is spooked by the slightest of sounds as they turn quickly to pin point the source, they now notice a willow the wisp blue light walking towards them with a menacing intent. As they turn to run they notice that the room they thought would provide safe haven has turned into their tomb, the blue light comes ever closer as they make a the shape of a lupo approaching them with blades drawn.)

Guard: Please spare me, you don't have to do this. I can be useful to you....

(Their pleas go unanswered as the figure only draws nearer and the insignia of the Reunion can now be seen scratched into the masked helmet of Rogue 115. Rogue stops directly in front of the guard and sheathes his blades, looking on in disgust and hatred.)

Rogue: So this is the pride of Ursus? How pathetic, you aren't even worthy of my time and yet I chased you all the way down here just to hear you beg. Though I think that you can be of use, just not to me.......

 (Rogue beckons several infected prisoners to stand next to him as the Guard looks on in horror.)

Rogue: You see these prisoners weren't treated very well here, and now I would like them to give you that same treatment. Oh, and before I forget..... no one is coming to save you......

(Rogue walks back into the mist as the prisoners begin mercilessly beating their hated torturer to death. The guards screams can be heard throughout the mines as Rogue joins his brothers in arms outside, helping them load the liberated slaves into transport trucks.)

115th commander: Sir, the explosives are set and are ready to be detonated on your command.

Rogue: Detonate once we know all of the slaves have exited the premises, we can't have any friendly deaths on our hands. I will personally escort the slaves back to Reunion, join us when the job is done.

(The commander nods in acknowledgement and joins another squad to make a final sweep of the mines. After a while on the road Rogue receives a transmission and alerts everyone on the transport as the explosives go off and leave the mines in smoldering ruins.)

(Rogue holds his index and middle fingers over his earpiece on his helmet.)

[Radio transmission] 

Rogue: Patriot, the mines have been cleared of hostiles and slaves. It's nothing but ashes and rubble now.

Patriot: Good, get yourself back here to rest.

Rogue: With all due respect, I can keep going. I will not let the enemy rest until all of them suffer, they will experience the pain and suffering of all the infected.

Patriot: Your missions can wait, you have been going non-stop ever since you left the infirmary 4 days ago. As your superior I order that you rest, do I make myself clear?

Rogue: [Reluctantly] As you command sir.

(After the slaves are loaded off the truck and given food and shelter, Rogue sets off towards relatively intact building in chernobog where he passes Mephisto and Faust walking out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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