Chapter 2: Dead Body

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      Haily's POV

We all sat in the car. We didn't know what to say. Stiles stopted the car and turned around to Scott and me. " Come on guys, it will be fun!" . I stared at Stiles. "sigh", Fine let's go!" I open the car door and went out of the car. The boys followed me and we walked in to the woods. We all was a little bit scared so we hold hand. I went in the middle. After a while Scott released my hand. But Stiles didn't. We looked at eachother and then we heard something. We saw a light  and we hide behind a tree. It was Stiles dad. And three other cops. " Is it some one out there?" we heard some one say. " Should we move forward?" Scott whispered to us. I shook my head. We all Stand there quiet. Then it happend..  I stumbled and fell to the ground. The Sheriff  Ran to me. " Well good day Miss Harper" He said and helped me up.  " Oh hey Mr Stillinski!" I said. " Are you out here alone?" He asked and pointed his flashlight out behind me. " Is it anybody out there?" He said out to the woods. " No it's just me" i said and glanced a little at Stiles and Scott. " Well let me drive you home". I nodded  and sat me in the car.

Stiles' POV  

Me and Scott was still hiding behind the tree's. " Do you think she's angry at us?" Scott said and looked at me with scared eyes. " I don't think so" I said back at him. But i was still nervous that Haily would be angry at them. " Come on we have to keep looking  for the body"  I said and started  to walk. Scott come after me. We went longer in the woods. " Stiles, look" Scott said. I turned around and saw it. It was a pit. We looked at eachother and went closer. We looked down and saw it. " Holy Sh't!" We ran away from the  pit and then we stopped.  " Did  we just see that?" Scott said with a breathless voice. " Come on, let's go back to my jeep" I said and started Walking.  " Actually i think i'm gonna walk home"  Scott said and started go home. 

Scott's POV

I Walked in the wood alone and felt something behind me. I turned around but nothing was there. I got scared and  started to jog. I come to a road and started to walk.  Then it happend..

Something jumped on Scott and bite  him on the side of his stomach. " Ahh jesus!" 

I walked to the vet, there i work, and put some bandage on. Then i went home and tried to call Stiles. Stiles:" Hey what's up?"  Scott: "I got bite and now it's hurt"  Stiles: " what, who did this?"  Scott: I don't know, i didn't see anything"  Stiles: " Okey we talk more tomorrow, Bye". And then we hang up and i went to bed.

*** Next day***

  Haily's POV

I woke up and got dressed. I went down and saw my dad sitting in the kitchen. " Good morning Sweetie" He said and Smiled at me. " Morning dad". I took a sandwitch and eat it. i looked at the time and saw that it was school in 10 min. " Oh i gotta go dad, see you later, bye!"  and went out. 

Teen wolf- Beacon Hills/ stiles Stillinski # 1Where stories live. Discover now