{ The Moment We've All Been Waiting For }

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summary: Killua's bouta make his mans a bottom... but at what cost?


When Killua stepped into Gon's apartment, it was with more confidence than the first time, and his first task was to get his damn backpack and jacket off. He stepped past the kitchen and to the stools where he could drop his backpack off and sling his jacket. Behind him, he heard Gon rest the portfolio bag against the wall.

Killua passed a hand through his hair and sighed, "Fuck, dude, do you have any weed on you?"

"Yeah, a little," he said and left to fetch it. Killua trailed after him, his shoes abandoned near the door. The apartment was quiet all except for some soft music playing in Gon's bedroom. His monitors were awake and across them, Killua found Gon's editing software open along with social media tabs, a spreadsheet riddled with information, and an online banking tab was open. Gon closed out of them with one hand and reached into a drawer with the other.

He produced a small lockbox from the drawer and popped it open. He plucked out a baggie from inside and set the lockbox back into the drawer. As Gon opened the baggie, Killua wandered over to Gon's display shelves and pointed to the bong on the top shelf.

"I'm not tryna go on a trip, but I'm down to try this if you are," Killua said, and when Gon agreed, he reached up, pulled the glass door aside, and took down the bong. It was short, nothing crazy, but he knew for a fact that shit was expensive as hell.

As he left to fill it with water, Gon said, "Have you gone in for your results yet?"

Killua paused, the faucet still running. He shut it off after a second and realized what Gon was talking about—the STD testing. He closed his eyes, sighed, and said, "No, I haven't. My brother's been staying with me all week and breathing down my neck. It'd be weird if I took him to the clinic for that," he said.

He plucked the bowl from the stem of the bong and checked it to make sure it was clean. Gon was already on the bed, legs loosely crossed, a wooden tray set on the sheets in front of him. Killua was hesitant to join him as he asked, "Did... you get your tests back?"

"Yeah, I'm clean," Gon said. He held the bag of weed out to Killua.

Killua's breath of relief nearly had him fainting. Instead, he half-swooned onto the bed and slumped down to his elbow, setting the bong on the tray. "Thank God," Killua said.

Killua couldn't believe he survived the week without knowing the results. Truthfully, he couldn't believe he survived a week with Illumi without so much as a hit. Once the chocolates were gone, so was Killua, and boy did he need another mild high, just to dull the sharp edge that was his anxiety.

He put a small serving of weed into the bowl as he said, "Sorry I'm totally hijacking your stash—I'll pay you back."

"You don't have to pay me back," Gon said. "You—I mean, if you want to, I can just dock it off of what we made on... that video."

Killua pinched the baggie closed again and handed it back with a raised eyebrow. "There's still cash from that? Dude, it's yours now for all the shits I give."

Gon shrugged. "Whenever a video of mine does well and I've made it in collaboration with someone, I still share the profit. Even if it's still getting hits after, like, a year. The contract cuts off payments after two years, though, unless we've made another video before that stint is up."

"Yeah, I remember reading that, but I just don't care enough, if I'm being honest," Killua confessed as he lit the bowl and took a test hit. The smoke was warm and silky in his throat, and shit, did it feel good on the second hit. He breathed smoke through his lips, eyes closed, and whispered, "That's good shit. Is that Kurapika's?"

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