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Joshua had a duality of some sorts. He could be as sweet as candy, looking out for his friends at any time, making sure to call home every couple days, and being a exceptionally good human being. Other times it's a light switch: giving out horrible punishments after winning bets, teasing his boyfriends a little too much, even making Chan cry once.

He could glare at someone one second and post a cute picture on Instagram the next with an amount of emojis disgustingly large the next. His friends are somewhat used to it, but it still shocks them.

Of course there were consequences. Hell, when has there ever been no consequences? There were the ones BooSeokSoon gave like licking a tree or pranking Jeonghan with the "I'm pregnant!" Then there were the ones were that were given by his lovely boyfriends. Seungcheol was nice and so busy in his studio that he didn't have the time for it. The worst was making him eat spicy fire chicken noodles with triple the amounts of that hellish sauce. Feeling bad afterwards, Seungcheol threw away the half eaten noodles and cleaned the younger up and his ruined taste buds before giving him Kiwi ice cream. Jeonghan, on the other hand... he was a bit more sadistic. Ok, a lot more sadistic. 

The older threw the idea of mercy straight out of the window. His beloved Jeonghan loved to embarrass him. It was always worth it in the end to see Seungcheol's reaction. He once had Joshua wear a white tulle skirt that would've made MOMOLAND proud. In the end, they all didn't expect to enjoy it as much as they did.

At this point, it's been no surpirse that Jeonghan has mixed sex and punishments since the beginning of time with his partners, so when he threw a black shopping bag at Joshua, he knew what was gonna go down.

"Joshuji, my one and only love!" Jeonghan declared dramatically as he walked through their bedroom door. Joshua was playing on his phone, laying down on his stomach. The older knew that he was paying attention, so he continued. "I have a lovely game that we should play!"

"Fun, hyung," the younger replied, not even peeking up from his screen. Jeonghan huffed, wanting Joshua's attention to be on him and not on his damn phone. "Look at me, my love. and stop playing with your phone before I rip it in half," Jeonghan sweetly threatened. Joshua complied and put his phone face down before sitting up cross legged.

"As I was saying," Jeonghan said, looking at Joshua with 'If you touch your phone again I'm going to kill you' eyes, "We should see who can get Seungcheol to hug them first." Joshua laughed. "That's easy Hannie! All you have to do is raise your arms and he'll come running.

Jeonghan let out a chilling giggle. "That's the only part that we need to change, sweetheart." Joshua looked up in quiet shock. "What do you mean, "that's the only part we need to change?"" Jeonghan leaned over the other, smiling cruelly. "You can't say, do, or express anything about wanting a hug, you have to see who he hugs first. If you say anything about it, you lose the bet instantly! So, whatcha say about that?"

The younger sighed in exasperation. "What if I don't agree to play?" He asked, hoping to see a way out of this. Jeonghan smirked, and placed a finger under his chin to lift the younger to meet his eyes. They were a warm chocolatey brown, but not now. They had an evil glint. Joshua gulped. "You wouldn't want to know, darling Joshuji."


It was interesting. Seungcheol had come home, expecting their normal routine. Usually they would be clamoring to reach him, which was an endearing sight, but also dangerous as Jeonghan nearly kicked Joshua in the balls to give him a hug once. 

The oldest came home to the TV on, and the kitchen smelling delightful. He kicked off his shoes, took off his horrible looking winter coat (Jeonghan so desperately wanted him to throw it away, but Seungcheol refused on multiple occasions) and went to their dinky living room. Joshua was clad in one of Jeonghan's sweatshirts and his sweatpants, eyes glued to the screen playing The Lorax Movie.

He was covered in a grey blanket, head leaning against one of their few cushions. Everything about it seemed so soft: The too-large sweater, the blanket wrapped around him. The younger was watching the singing bears intently, and Seungcheol nearly laughed at the 24 year old so enamored the kid's movie.

"Hey, Shua," Seungcheol said, hoping to get his attention. Joshua mumbled a quiet "Hi Cheollie" before turning to the hypnotizing cartoons. He sighed before walking to his room to set down his stuff and changing into a white shirt and black sweatpants. He returned to the living room before turning to the right to be greeted with the sight of Jeonghan making dinner. "Hey love," he murmured.

Seungcheol didn't know if the December cold got to him, or if he was feeling cuddly, but he wrapped Jeonghan in a tight hug without thinking about it. He sighed, inhaling the smell of the pasta and the slight smell of Jeonghan's rose shampoo. Jeonghan turned around before kissing him. He heard Joshua moving in the background, and his groan. Jeonghan smirked into the kiss. "I won the bet," Jeonghan murmured against his lips and pulling away. Seungcheol cocked his head in confusion. Jeonghan set down the spatula, looking excited. "Can you stir this still? I need to get our Shua ready for his punishment."

"Joshuji?" Seungcheol asked, looking at the younger. Jeonghan ruffled Joshua's raven black locks before taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. Seungcheol awaited Jeonghan's return, stirring the curry.

Seungcheol wasn't expecting this. He wasn't expecting to see Jeonghan's teasing smirk as he sauntered back into the room. Seungcheol noticed the hand hidden behind his back.

"What did you do?" the older said, scratching the back of his neck. "What bet? And what punishment?" Jeonghan laughed. "We had a little game! It's all good fun. Since he wasn't wrapped in your arms, he's wrapped around something else."

Seungcheol sighed. Is his boyfriends trying to kill him? "Did you stick a vibrator in him?"

Jeonghan nodded. "I stuck a vibrator in him." Seungcheol sighed and shifted a little in his seat. Jeonghan smirked at his red cheeks. He absolutely loved seeing Seungcheol so flustered like this. It was when he fucked Joshua the roughly, chasing his own orgasm more than the younger's. Ever the sweetheart, he would coax him to reach his release with him, their chests painted white. He loved seeing that.

And that was his intent. Jeonghan pulled out a small flat remote. Smiling once more, his thumb traced the large round circle in the middle.

"And I can control it with a push of a button."

His thumb slammed down. Muffled moans could be heard, and Seungcheol's jeans tightened. "Fuck, Hannie, why?"

"Because he lost the bet, Cheollie! There's consequences to everything, whether it be good or bad." Seungcheol rubbed his eyes and sighed. "You're going to kill me one day. Both of you." Jeonghan smiled, catlike. "And you wouldn't give a damn." The older scoffed. "And I wouldn't give a damn. Exactly."

Jeonghan clapped his hands. "Do you wanna see our little Shua or do you wanna watch some TV?" Seungcheol glanced to the TV. "I've had enough of listening to The Lorax Movie." He got up and walked to the bedroom, Jeonghan following behind him.

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