unexpected love yet love nonetheless

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the astronaut stumbles into the carpet shop, his walking stick hitting all kinds of different things, unable to see all the bad looks people are throwing at him. He knows people judge him but he pretends to not know because, as they say, ignorance is bliss. he's out to buy a new carpet today, one that's soft and has a nice texture to it, maybe a red one but that's just because he thinks of the colour red as a strong and passionate colour, a colour that can make you feel all sorts of things, though he'd have to ask for that and it's hard to do so when people think of him as nothing but a disability. The astronaut walks around the room, touching all the carpets to see what texture he likes the most. it's hard to feel when you're wearing an astronaut suit though he would not take it off. it made him remember the days where he could see, the days where he went out to space and observed the whole universe with his own eyes, days that no longer existed and were all just a long but not forgotten memory living in his mind. "hey, look at that guy, he's wearing an astronaut suit?" he tried to ignore them "he's also blind, what, is he trying to think he doesn't have a disability?" he really did try but he just couldn't handle it anymore, he had to leave-
"OH MY GOD IS THAT A FUCKING DINOSAUR" DIDNT THOSE FUCKERS GO EXTINCT BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO" they screamed and shouted as the astronaut heard everyone panick out of the store, he could hear various variations of the phrase "I AM NOT IN A FUCKING JURASSIC PARK MOVIE BS," it was all like a story, a fiction story. it must've been just a prank, after all, dinosaurs are extinct, he thought.

the astronaut could hear hear the sound of heaby breathing right beside him, the sound  of saliva dropping onto the floor was echoing all around the store, giving the store a horror move sensation. he could hear a faint roar come from close to him, he knew this was all a bad joke but was it really? a raspy and deep roar came again, he was so enchanted by the voice, he was now sure that it was just a man playing a trick on him. he coud feel as if he was being nudged by something huge, he dragged his hand in the direction on where he was touched, he could feel something hard and rough. he felt safe touching whatever it was. safe enough to take off his astronaut gloves. he could feel how rough it was, it was bumpy yet soft at the same time, making it contradict itself. "Roarrr," the thing said, the astronaut was still not certain that it was a dinosaur but he did not mind as he felf safe around him, he continued caressing it, touching every inch of its body until he reacher his tail, the dinosaur was huge, the astronaut had guessed that it was a tyrannosaurus rex. he couldn't help but thank it for now he knew what the dinosaur truly did, he had felt the feeling of safetiy once the dinosaur roared his magnificent and enchanting roar. a soft roar escaped the dinosaurs mouth again, it was calm and inviting, he felt...safe and as if he was loved there. he felt like he loved him, the dinosaur. but he chose to deny it, after all, the dinosaur was a male, and so was he and he wasn't gay, was he? all these thoughts started racing his through his mind, he didn't want to make the dinosaur feel like he was just a toy, because the dinosaur meant much more to the astronaut but he just didn't know what to do with those newly found feelings, he was beginning to cry and cry but then, suddenly, the dinosaur took off his astronaut hat and nuzzled him, pushing his tears away.

right now, he didn't want to distance himself away from his feelings and the dinosaur who gave him those feelings, he wanted to be with someone who loved him the most and who he loved the most. taking the astronaut hat off of the dinosaurs nose, he held it under his arm and got onto dinosaur, letting dinosaur lead the way to a new day in his life

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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