The Walls between us

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A/N: Three more parts after this! They aren't very long :( Please vote if you like this! I know the titles aren't very creative XD


Gally snarls and steps forward towards you. You clench your fists and step towards him too, he is short and you are not which helps make you seem more intimidating when in reality he is a builder and pretty strong. You feel Newt's shoulder brush yours and he's stood next to you. "Can you not bloody fight on your own Gally?" Newt says.

"Yeah did you need your little dogs to help you out?" You add.

"What's your problem?" Gally asks.

"What's your problem?"

"You can't just wander in here with your girly ass and expect me to be ok with that!" He shouts.

"I have a girly ass do I? Well guess what I'm hoping your ass isn't to girly cause I'm gonna beat the klunk out of it."

"You know if you harm anyone again you'll be banished," Newt says to Gally, "I'm surprised Alby hasn't kicked you out for attacking me."

"I know that," Gally replies,"That's why I'm gonna tell Alby you did it." He points at Newt, thrusting his hand out and poking his chest.

"What..." he asks, dread seeping into his voice.

"Gally what are you doing." you add in a warning tone.

"You'll see" He grins again. And starts to walk away leaving his guard dogs surrounding you, "do it." he finishes, then his walk becomes a sprint out of the woods and he's gone.

You grab Newts hand and look around at the others, there are roughly 10 of them  and they are all glaring at you. You look at Newt as a single tear drips down your cheek, and you brace yourself for the ambush. They all charge at the same time, then grab Newt and drag him away as he persists shouting and flailing.

They hold you back too and tie him to a tree with rough thick vines. Then all of them turn towards you and surround you, stepping closer every second, you hear Newt's shout from the tree, the pain in his voice.

But now the pain is in your face, a searing straining pain has exploded in your jaw. They shove you on the ground, people kicking and punching your limbs. You curl into a ball hiding your face in your knees and then you scream. Pushing against the kicks you manage to stand. And they stop, staring, there is silence. You feel the bruises already healing on your body and a new strength is found, racing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You act instantly finding the new opportunity to run; before they realise you're escaping you kick one of them hard in the face.

Then you're sprinting for your life, charging away from the potential end of your life. When you escape the trees and the sunlight hits your face you spot Winston and Jeff the medjack jogging towards you, when they come closer you collapse as they catch you, slipping into unconsciousness.


When you eyes flutter open you see the ceiling of the homestead, rays of sunshine seeping through the gaps in the wood. The pain returns and it hurts a lot, like a burning, aching and stinging pain all at once. You groan as Jeff walks back in.

"Oh you're awake?" He stands awkwardly not knowing what to say, you say the first thing that comes to mind,


"Don't worry he's locked in the slammer." He replies, disgust creeping up on his face.

They did it, they framed Newt when they beat you up, blamed it on him. "No, Jeff it wasn't him, it was Gally get him out, get him out!"

"Don't worry, I bet he forced you to say that." The disgust was even more obvious than before.

"What!" you shout, "You don't understand it's true you can't lock him up Jeff!!" You were close to tears now and Jeff looked sympathetic.

"You really don't have to pretend anymore y/n, Newt got banished a few minutes ago, the doors are shut." As you hear the last words leave Jeff's mouth, time freezes. Your heart seems to stop beating as you feel a burning, boiling hatred, it's aimed at Gally.

Tears stream down your face and you leap off the bed shoving Jeff to the side. You charge down the steps and as you run into the open you come across what you refused to believe was true.

The doors were shut and Minho was crying next to them. You feel crushed, and drop down onto your knees. The one person that kept you sane was killed by his own friends. You see other Gladers running toward you including Jeff, Alby, Fry and Zart.

"Y/n it's fine, he's not going to hurt you anymore." Alby says calmly. You finally explode.

"WHAT PART ABOUT THIS IS FINE ALBY!? YOU JUST KILLED THE KINDEST AND MOST HONEST PERSON IN THE GLADE!" Minho stood up and walked over dragging his feet, his face still wet.

"I-I tried y/n...I couldn't stop them." He murmured and dropped down next to you. Alby looked taken aback but scared too.

"What do you mean?"

"WHAT DO I MEAN?!" You shout, "Gally framed Newt you idiot, why would he hurt me?" Your voice is quiet now thick with grief.

Frypan's face begins to crumple and Zart screams into the Glade, "WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

But Alby's face twists into guilt and a boiling anger.

"I-I can't believe." That's when he breaks down, tears drip down his face as you realise, Newt could still be alive, the monsters might not have got him yet. You run to the most overgrown area of ivy on the walls and start climbing, wrapping the thick ivy around you waist to save you if you fall, you glance back to see Minho across the glade, and even though he's far away you can tell that he's nodding supportingly, hope in his eyes. You keep pushing, dragging your body higher and higher, none of the Gladers try to stop you, or help you. Another look back shows Alby on the floor with his head in his hands, Minho is shouting at him.

You shake your head, Minho has the worst methods when dealing with this kind of situation. You look up, the top is still really far away, you're not even half way but your already 15 metres of the ground. Your muscles and lungs are begging for a break, but only one thing is on your mind, Newt.

About 20 minutes later you reach the top, and stand on the thick concrete wall. Your original plan was to run along the top of the walls, but the only walls thick enough to walk along are the four surrounding the Maze.

"NEWTTT!!!" You scream, it bounces of the walls, echoing around the maze. But there is no response, only silence. You tie more vines around your waist and abseil down the other side. The thick ivy rubbing the skin on your palms, you descend into your potential death. Again.

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