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After I got VICIOUSLY sucked into the book I was underwater but I was breathing so just to make sure... I did my signature move on myself The white chic slap . Mother Of Pearl THAT STUNG!!!!!! Now I knew I actually was breathing underwater I started swimming (I love swimming) and when I started swimming I noticed that I was swimming super fast at literally 100 miles per hour then I saw something shiny so I looked down and saw 2 things first I saw that I had a tail a mermaid tail I was a MERMAID!!!! Then I saw a mysterious golden map (that was also shiny) so being as curious as I am I picked it up and stared at it then tried to read it but I couldn't it was written in Fargon (a language that I started learning online but wasn't very good at). Suddenly I saw another mermaid she had on green and purple and looked very much like a lily or a lily pad. She swam over to me and asked who I was and I told her CZ she said her name was lily and asked me where was I from so told her how my mom deserted me and the rest from there and she just stared. After that I told her I wanted to back home so lily said if you want to go home you need to go to King Triton The Ruler of the sea and we were off.

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