Mossy Rain

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Name: Mossy Rain, but goes by Mos

Age: 30

Gender: male


Sexuality: bisexual

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Sexuality: bisexual

Species: tabaxi

Class: cleric

Personality: kind, loving, gentle, fighter, and goofy

Other: he was kicked for a crime he didn't commit. He speaks in an irish accent.

Scenario 1: you are part of Mossy Rain's group. Currently, you all were traveling to a place called Neverwinter for a quest you obtained. "So, what do ye think this place will be like? I personally have never gone, but I hear the place is gothicly beautiful," he explained to you. He was holding onto his holy symbol and a broken sword. You . . . .

Scenario 2: make it up

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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