Chapter Five

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Gibbs POV

When the nurse came back, everything was silent, even DiNozzo wasn't talking! The nurse spoke up and started to go on about when he could be let out, she said hopefully in a few weeks.

Nurse: who was in the room with Mr McGee a few minutes ago?

Abby: uh me, why, is McGee ok? Will he be ok? Did I do anything?

Nurse: no you didn't nothing wrong, you helped, he heard everything that you said, and he had a reaction to it, this proves that he will more than likely wake up soon, you made a huge difference to him, may I speak to you inside?

Abby: yes, ok I guess

Gibbs: you ok Abbs?

Abby: yeah I guess

And which thst, the nurse walked off with Abby hot on her heels, and they were gone.

Abby POV

We walked Into the room, and she started talking to me

Nurse: do you mind if I ask what you were saying to Mr McGee

Abby: uh I was just talking, and then sang a bit, then Mcgee's heart thingie started to speed up and then you kicked me out.

Nurse: what did you sing?

Abby: I sang a song, why do you need to know, not to be disrespectful or anything, it's just not really anyone your business

Nurse: listen, I know how hard this is on all of you, I just need to know, because it may help him make a better recovery, and remember you, because I know that you are the only one on your team that he doesn't remember, and if you tell me the song, or make me a playlist to play through the CD player, then he may recover quicker.

Abby: ok, give me a day, and I will have a playlist made for you, and I will bring it in.

Nurse: ok, thank you.

Then I walked out, to Gibbs on the phone, we had a case. Gibbs told us all to go back to our places and wait for information and evidence.

~~~~2 hours later~~~~

I was back in the lab waiting or evidence, so I was starting to put together he playlist I promised the nurse, Gibbs came in with a Caf-Pow and a broken phone, it's circuit board needed to be fixed. McGee knows how to do that, and he was teaching me, but he never finished teaching me how, I didn't know what to do, he also handed over the marines clothes and said to test them for poison and try and find out bank statements and stuff that McGee would normally do.

So I ditched the playlist, and started to do the circuit board, it was so much easier than I had first anticipated, and I had it fixed in 20 minutes. I then tested the clothes, and it came up positive for a snake venom that is lethal if touched by human skin. I then started on the bank statements when Gibbs came in, but obviously I knew he would. I told him everything I knew so far, and what I was going onto next which was bank statements and then go back to the phone and find out what was on it.

After giving me a caf-pow Gibbs left, giving me time to try and look through bank staatements, then Tony and Ziva walked in, while I was just about to smack my computer, Tony stopped me and asked me what was wrong. I was stressing out. Because I could find his bank statements.

Tony: hey Abbs what's up

Abby: I can't find anything, we need McGee back pronto

Tony: I know Abbs, but until then, we need to work around it.

Abby: ok, WWMGD?

Tony + Ziva: WHAT?

Abby: What Would McGee Do?

Tony: oh, ok I that makes sense I guess

Abby: yeah, like what would McGee do to find bank statements

Tony: he would probably...

Ziva: search the guys...

Tony: name, and then...

Ziva: find his house...

Tony: and then go...

Ziva: to said house...

Tony: so basically you...

Ziva: send us to...

Tony: go instead and...

Ziva: find next of...

Tony: kin and If...

Ziva: he was married...

Tony: and then go

Ziva: from there. Ok

Abby: do you guys realise what you just did?

ToNy: um no, what...

Ziva: did we do

Abby: you guys just did it again

Tony: what did we do

Ziva: Abby tell us, or no caf-pow

Abby: you guys keep finishing each other's sentences, it's really creepy.

Tony: did we...

Ziva: really do...

Tony: that?

Abby: yes, yes you did, no get out, I have have some mcgee-ing to do, so goodbye.

Tony: Bye ...

Ziva: Abby...


Ok guys, sorry it's been so long, but my iPad is pretty smashed and i wasn't allowed to use it until we had a screen protector on it, and we only got that today, so this is quite a happy update, I'm in a really good mood for once, because of a certain person, who I have known for 4 years and makes me happy, I always smile when I am around him, let's call him Sid (that's not his actual name, obviously, but I don't really want anyone to know who I really am)

Bye guys xxx

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