Chapter 3. You and draco ;)

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You and Draco meet up at the great hall Draco runs up and hugs you. "Um are you ok draco?" He's shaking "n-no" you hug him back, you could tell he was crying so you decide to go to his dorm with him

He turned on a movie and sat down he was still shaking. He asks "w-wanna watch with me?" "Of course!" You watch the movie for about 45 min until draco decides to leave. You ask "where are you going?" "To the bathroom.. why?" "I- no reason" you blush. You notice Draco has been gone for about 25 min now you go to check on him and hear crying in the bathroom.. you walk in and see Draco sobbing on the ground with his phone in his hand. "Oh my god DRA-" he cuts you off "N-no- can we talk" he says chocking back his tears. You say of course and sit there for hours and talk cry and laugh after this you go to see Luna. "Wait Y/N" "yeah?" "I- um kinda need your help-" "like what?" To confess my feelings to someone.." ok maybe get her flowers and a teddy bear?" "Ok thank you!!" Your welcome-?" You head to the griffon door commen room. {to be continued..}

Dared to love you... [draco Malfoy/ Tom Felton] warning curse words and s.e.xWhere stories live. Discover now