✨ Aunt Lucy

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a/n whenever I haven't had the chance to write and I'm feel so bad leaving u guys but Ima try to be back now that it's summer

✨Aunt Lucy

"My aunt is super cool, and I know she'll love you all. I know my aunt very well and know the only way she'll let me to London with you guys is because I've been accepted to a uni over there with Mark my boyfriend. And his buddies, the rest of y' all." I watched all of their expressions change. Mark smiled in victory since he'd be my fake boyfriend. Mason seemed to be more focused on his phone. Alton looked surprised maybe because of my awesome plan skills. And Arden had a very firm look that didn't seem to pleasing.

We all came out of the car and Arden pulled me to the side. "I don't like this plan. You're going to London with me, not Mark."

"If you don't like my fucking plan then I won't be going to London with your conceded ass." I pushed away from him and wrapped my arm with Marks.

Aunt Lucy came out just on time to greet us and I in 8 inch heels ran to my favorite aunt and gave her the biggest hug possible.

"You've grown so big!" Lucy cheered. We pulled apart and she glanced behind me to the guys. "And who are these handsome young men?" Aunt Lucy was defiantly a flirt.

"These are my friends. Mark is my boyfriend." I walked over to Mark and intertwined our arms.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mason." Mason kissed her hand and smiled cheekily. I knew all of the boys have a sense of manners. And Mason showed that quite well.

"I'm Alton glad to meet the women who Kai loves the second most." he too kissed her hand.

"Everyone loved Amelia I understand why I'm second." Lucy laughed.

I looked at Arden, he looked like a totally different person, with a so-called real smile and the smallest sparkle in his eyes.

"Meeting the lady who I can see Kai got some of her beautiful looks from is amazing, Arden."

Least to say I was amazed by how their personas came out when knowing the only way I can leave America is by impressing my aunt.

"Well, come in, dinner just got finished cooking." Lucy opened the door and let us file in. I was greeted by Roy, Lucy's german Shepard.

"Roy you have got to meet my baby Rad." Yes, I brought my dog to my aunt's house, I even managed to get him a bow tie collar.

"He was with us?" Mason asked surprised.

"Sleeping in front with the driver." I was acting like a child getting a new toy. Just behind the boys stood Tommy a fellow gang member and our safe driver, who held onto Rads leash.

He unhooked him and I bent down as Rad oh so clumsy self-ran to me.

I carried him inside the house, Rad was still a puppy and wasn't even hairy but I knew my dress would be covered in hair. I let him down and him and Roy clicked. I followed Ain't Lucy into the kitchen, the boys did so too.

The smell of Aunt Lucy's famous lasagna filled up he kitchen and followed into the dining room.

Lucy was very wealthy and her house seemed bigger then the last time k was here.

"Come sit, sit. Im sure your journey here was tiresome," I ended up between Mark and Arden and Lucy sat at the end while the other seats were unoccupied. I wondered where my Uncle Jackson and cousin Lilly were.

"I can't wait to spend time with the whole family. Lilly is on a date and you know how Jack is." Lucy said with a small amount of annoyance.

"About that," My aunts happy face dropped and she seemed to look like a concerned mother. "I was uh recently accepted into a uni over in London and the semester starts in a couple weeks. I didn't wanna bother or upset you by calling in and telling you."

I thought I would fuck up but once my leg started to shake, my hand was engulfed by a bigger one and it helped me continue. I quickly looked at the person who owned it and was surprised to see it was Arden.

I swear he was still mad about not being my pretend boyfriend.

"Oh my god honey that's amazing. I understand where your coming from and wouldn't care if you were in Antarctica, I'm just happy to see your in a good place after losing your mother," She paused and sniffled a bit. "But I hope you can at least stay here for by any chance a week?"

I know it wasn't my decision to make but I needed some time with my family before moving across the world with a famous gang. "Of course I will. This will be the best last week in America."


The moment me and the guys stepped outside to get our travel bags I was yelled at by Arden.

We argued for a good five minutes before Alton separated us.

"What's done is done. They don't know we're here and if anything I made sure four other guys came along. They signed into the closet hotel once dinner was served." Alton seemed to know how to fix situations faster then I said we'd stay.

"See you don't have to act like a scared baby anymore." I regretted saying those words and made a run for it.

I ran right into a solid body and almost fell back till the same owner of the body slipped his arm under my back and saved my head from a major headache and possible concussion. I regained my balance and nearly could've woke up the neighbor hood by screaming and jumping around after seeing it was my close friend slash ex fwb Charlie.

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