Chapter One

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Hello people. :3 if you like this story check out my other two. The Broker's Bartender and You've Taken Control. They are both Shizaya.

Izaya's P.O.V (age 5)

I could hear the yelling. The yelling between mother and father. Always waking me up at night. I heard glass breaking, the sign father was drunk, again. "Get the fuck out!" I could hear my mother scream. "Shut up!" My father yelled and then i could hear rustling.

"Put me down! Let me go!" My mother shouted. I heard the bed bang against the wall of the room next to mine. "What do you say about more kids, honey?" I heard my father and then i zoned out. Not hearing the events that followed.

***9 years later (age 15)***

"Izaya." I sat up as my father entered the room. After that night my parents got a divorce. My mother had my sisters and my father fought for custody of me. He won but now I'm just his plaything. "F-father...please. I don't want to." I begged and i let the tears fall. "Now now, Izaya. It's daddy not father." He smiled and pulled me from my bed. "Strip for me, Izaya."

****Age 23 a.k.a forever 21****

I sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. I can't believe I dreamt about father again. I could still fill those disgusting touches on my body. I still don't understand why he would molest me. I'm just glad he didn't get all the way. I mean, he would play with me until he got tired of my crying so he didn't fuck me.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling. What am I to do? How could I ever forget. I wish I could forget...but it's a permanent scar in my mind. I'm just so scared that he'll come find me. Try to rape me now that I'm of legal age. I can't believe he hasn't tracked me down.

I closed my eyes but i didn't fall asleep. I just listened for any sounds that could mean he found me. I know he's probably pissed off that I ran away. Hid out at mom's. I mean he didn't think to look there. He probably thought I wouldn't hide there because it would had been the first place to look. But he didn't think it through.


I walked outside, Namie-san was on my heels. "I'll see you tomorrow." I waved goodbye to her. I began my walk home. "Izaya. I've found you." I heard his voice and began looking around. "Izaya. Let's play a game." I searched everyone's face frantically. Is my mind playing tricks on me? "Oi! Flea! Did you hear me, Izayaaa." I saw Shizu-chan. He took off his stupid purple glasses and gave me that killer smile.

"Oh, hello Shizu-chan." I faked a smile and continued looking around. "Who you looking for?" Shizuo asked and i ignored him. Next thing I knew I was hit with a stop sign.

Shizuo's P.O.V

Izaya fell once I hit him. But, he didn't get up this time. "Izaya? Oi, fuckin' flea. Get up." I ordered but he still didn't move. I sighed and walked towards him. I looked down to realize he was unconcious. "Ah shit." I mumbled and picked the little flea up. People stared at me. "What! Mind your damn business." I growled and they hurried along. I carried to flea to his apartment and kicked the door. I opened, the locks busting. I put him on his bed in his room. I went back and closed the door. I looked around the small apartment. The walls painted a dark gray, the couch was black. The dinning table and chairs were a dark brown wood. Counter tops were marble. How much does this idiot make?

I sat on the couch and stared at the wall. When he wakes up I'll ask him what he problem is. He seems more paranoid than usual.

Authors note

Here's  the first chapter. Enjoy? Vote and comment :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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