Chapter 1. Evalynn

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Hello my name is Evalynn Burkely I am 17 and have long, straight, black hair, green eyes, and pale skin. I live with my foster parents Janice and Emmet Hale, and their 5 kids Harlo and Elijah the 2 year old twnis with brown hair and brown eyes or the tanks as we call them, Sarahphina the 4 year old golden blond curly haired, blue eyed angel of the family, Haily the 13 year old  brown hair and green eyed wallflower, and Emmie the 15, red haired, blue eyed popular one.I go to Adams High in The Great State Of Alabama  My Friends are Scarlett,Patience,Alix,and Jasper.

"Hey Evalynn over here!" Alix calls to me motioning to our usual table in the corner. He has mute red/orange hair and light brown eyes. He is very handsome.

"Hey guys, whats up?" I ask as I set down my tray complete with non-animal products.

"Scarlett was just filling us in on the latest witch craft in New Orleans." Jasper snides to Scarlett. Honestly I think they would make for a very funny couple.

" Scarlett you don't really think that is real do you I mean Mr. Homes has always said that Supernatural creatures ruled the earth and built this town from the ground up." i say even though I believe every word she is saying. You see I have seen her magic with my own eyes. We were sitting in my room watching The Bell Witch Haunting when she told me she is a witch and i didn't believe her until  she exploded a pillow.

"Ev you of all people should believe me! Ya don't think i don't remember the time I showed you the pillow!" she says.

"Sorry Scarlett." I mumble as I get up and walk to dump my tray. Then I see them Ally, Sarah, and Hope Mickleson. 

"Hey Ev! How are you? I hope we aren't interrupting something important, but you are on the yearbook committee right?" Ally asks as she flips her long brown hair.

"Ugh ya I am. Why pictures aren't until a few weeks?" I say, I am on the yearbook committee and so I take the individual pictures, class pictures, and just fun pictures for the yearbook. I also am on the news committee so "The Squad" thinks they can control the yearbook, and news paper, also me.

" I know but maybe you can speed up the process because I have nose surgery that week!" begs Sarah.

"Sorry I cant do that I am not the only one on the committee so I cant make the decision to change the date of pictures." I say 

I turn away and start walking towards my first class. My locker is kind of plain I only have one picture and that's the picture of my biological parents holing me in the hospital. My mother was very beautiful with long brown hair and blue eyes. And I am a spitting image of my father with black hair and green eyes.

" Hey beautiful." my boyfriend Kol says as he smiles the smile that gives me butterflies and kisses my forehead.

"Hey. Uh how ya' doing?" I blush.

"I'm good. How 'bout you?" He smirks.

"Ya just fine. Look I need to get to class. I love you!" I say as i walk away.

When I walk into History I know for a fact that we got a knew teacher. Because of A. the smell, and B.Mr.Houlten died and we had a memorial service in the gym last week. I take my seat next to Jasper and pull out my history book, notebook, and pencil.

"Hello class my name is Mr.Jones and I will be taking over for Mr.Houlten." The man says.

The man is tall and must be in his mid-twenties. He has short light brown hair, and blue eyes. He is wearing a brown t-shirt and faded jeans.

"I would like to learn a little more about you so if you will fill out the sheet I am passing around." He says. "It should be pretty easy being that it is all about you."

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