Entry Two- Tiffany

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Sunday 1/25/15

7:58 p.m

I helped my church with cleaning up my sister's high school today. It was absolutely disgusting, and I have no idea how anyone could tolerate such grossness in a place they spend the majority of their lives in. This, however, didn't stop me from enjoying my time at all.

It snowed only a few flurries, but I couldn't stop myself from loving every single moment of it. It was incredible, and my heart filled with so much love that not even the angels that stand next to God can come down and explain it to you.

My church understands, you see. They know I'm like this, and they are always acceptable of it. They think it's absolutely beautiful and, quite frankly, I agree with them. I embrace my life and I know I will smile tomorrow because it's life and I choose to live it.

No one was out today in the snow, sadly, but there was this one person that walked the sidewalks with a few journals in his hands. I guess it's not all that important.

All the love,

Tiffany xx

8:12 p.m

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