Chapter 2

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I walk up to the entrance of Hashdale park and sit on a bench.

"So you did show up." I turn to my left and see Ashton. He has a tank top on and it shows off both of his sleeve tattoos. He has two lip piercings that weren't there two nights ago.

"Are you just going to keep staring or are we gonna go?" He says harshly.

"Sorry." He starts walking away from the park and I have to jog to catchup with him. "So where are we going?" I ask.

"Back to my place of course where else would we go?"

"I don't know."

"Especially since your outfit practically screams rich girl this isn't the best part of town for that."

"Well I'm sorry you could of told me to dress differently and I would've."

"You probably don't have anything in your closet that costs less than $100 I mean your dress last night how much did that cost?"

"$4,000." I mumble.

"My point exactly you are a rich girl you wear expensive clothes cause you can afford them."

"I don't like being rich everyone stereotypes you as a perfect person who doesn't car about the world, and who can't get into trouble."

He stops and turns around pushing me into an alley. He keeps walking towards me until I'm up against a brick wall. He leans in and whispers.

"Prove them wrong." His lips gently land on mine and his hands go to my waist. After the initial shock ends I start kissing back I mean what the hell he's right.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket causing us to break apart. It's James. I answer.

"Hey babe."

"Hey um I was just reminding you that we had dinner with your parents tonight so don't stay out to late."

"Ok thanks I totally forgot. I'm actually on my way home right now did you need anything while I'm out." Ashton attaches his lips to my neck being careful as to not leave a mark.

"Actually I think I'm almost out of toothpaste. Do you know what kind I use?"

"Yeah. Ok I can pick it up I'll probably be about 30 minutes."

"Ok I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." I hang up and push Ashton off my neck.

"I have to go." I turn to walk away.

"Wait" his lips are pushed up against mine briefly. "I'll see you around." He says once he pulls away. He then walks out of the alley and down the street.

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