oumasai (ship)

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Yes this one is a ship and its my personal favourite but if you don't like it it's ok we all have our opinions just don't hate on other peoples ships plz

Anyways let's get started

1. Kokichi would show saihara alot of affection which would make him blush alot.

2. Sometimes kokichi would tell the truth to saihara if he gives him panta

3. Saihara -after he became kokichis boyfriend- is secretly a part of dice. He will take control if kokichi isn't there (probably buying panta)

4. Saihara is often the maid of the house because kokichi never wants to clean

5. After the first month of them dating maki and kaito had grown a little closer (maki didn't stangle him)

I have no more ideas cause I'm stoopid 😌

Welp imma do part 2 if I can


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