1 - Please Doesn't Matter/Prologue

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My back brutally comes into contact with the cool metal of the abandoned school lockers. Why they have an abandoned part of the school still open inside the school? I do not know -- but they really need to close it off. Maybe it'd save me from a few beatings...

"Skylar... What am I gonna do with you? What did I tell you?" Holden's voice caresses my face dangerously as his golden-brown eyes burn into my dull blue ones. I'm smart enough to know to always answer him when he's talking to me.

"I don't kno-"


My head snaps to the right from the powerful hit. I quickly look at him before I earn another one.

"Of course you don't, you dumb fuck. Now, answer the second part; what did I tell you?" He cocks his head to the side and I swallow, shaking during the process.

"To never run or hide from you," I whisper and he smiles tightly.

"That's right, you remember. But you're dumb as fuck, cause what did you do this morning?" He tightens his grip on my wrist and I suck in a breath,

"I ran--"

"You ran. Yes, you did and you know what happened after you ran?" His eyes darken slowly and I shake my head.

"Everyone laughed at me, saying I couldn't control you -- but little do they know I have you under my ultimate control. Isn't that right, Skye?" He leans in, his minty breath hitting my nostrils hard and I nod slowly.

"Say it!"He growls and I jump,

"Yes, Holden," I mutter while he sighs relieved,

"Good, but you know I just can't let you go, babe. That'd be too easy, and I don't want you to think that I'm getting soft on you." He whispers and I wince, already shaking in pain,

"Holden, please." I whimper, but he just laughs and shakes his head.

"Have I ever been one to change my mind over a fucking please?" His grip on my wrist tightens even tight and my eyes start burning,


And then it begins... The assault I dread every single day since this started.

Holden's free hand comes up and smacks me clean across the face. I scream out and he lets go of my burning wrist, only to use that hand as a silencer. I screech into his hand as he grabs a handful of my hair with his other one, and lifts up his knee, ramming it into my stomach. The blow nearly makes me pass out, as he smashes his knee repeatedly into my ribs where old and sore bruises barely heal.

"Holden, STOP!" I cry into his hand, and I know he hears me, but his golden eyes are now dark and far away; concentrating on beating me senselessly.

Sometimes, after he beats me so hard that I lose feeling, I watch him. He goes somewhere, I can see it in his eyes that he's not here -- but it doesn't make it any better.

He finally removes his hand from my mouth and smacks me hard, one last time; so forceful that I fall onto my ass. He breathes heavily, glaring down at me, and I pray he's done for today.

"Skye--" He pants, and kneels down next to me, leaning in front of my face. I turn my head away from him, but he grabs my face tightly, turning it back towards him and smashing his lips against mine.

"I need you to listen to me. I can't let you slip through my fingers -- I love you, baby." He whispers so sweetly against my mouth, causing tears to roll down my burning cheeks.

How badly I want to shove him away, smack him and scream at the top of my lungs for him to leave me alone and never bother me again, but I know that would only cause more pain and trouble for myself. So to avoid another beating; I kiss him back like I mean it.

I kiss him back like I care about him and I kiss him back like I love him.

But one thing I now definitely know I'm a hundred percent sure of -- is that I will never love him.

Hey, millies(readers)

This is a prologue.

In case you fail with vocabulary (like myself), it means it's an introduction to the craziness (so stick around).!

Thanks for reading/viewing this story.

Let me know what you thought.!

~Until the next update <3

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