Chapter 3: Falls and Fans

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By now you know the drill

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or Harry Potter

I hope you are enjoying it! I will update soon, but right now I am focusing on school!


When Lily awoke the next morning, it took her a minute to register where she was. Slowly, everything started coming back. The fight with Petunia, arriving at Potter Manor, the firewhiskey, and the hours of laughing and teasing. Lily wasn't sure when they fell asleep, but thinking back she remembered, with a flash of embarrassment, her head drooping sleepily onto James' shoulder.

Lily sat up, a giant blanket falling off her, and looked around the now sunlit drawing room of Potter Manor. The fire had gone out and the table lay littered with cups, the now cold tea, and the two empty bottles of firewhiskey. She lifted her gaze from the table to the sofa across from her own. It took all of the redhead's control to stifle her laughter. There, on the too small sofa, lay Sirius and James, lying side by side, their heads at opposite ends, and a tiny blanket shared between them. It took all of Lily's self control not to burst out laughing. It was at that very moment that Sirius kicked in his sleep, hitting James in the stomach, and knocking them both to the ground. It was too much and Lily could no longer contain herself; she burst out laughing. From the heap of limbs on the floor came two very loud groans.

"OOOWWWW! Bloody hell Prongs! What'd you do that for?" Sirius whined as he attempted to untangle himself from the blanket.

"ME? You're the one who kicked me! One of these days I'm taking you to the pound!" James retorted as Sirius still struggled to get to his feet. A few ows and several tries later they succeeded. James still had the under layers of his quidditch robes on, but Sirius was in nothing more than his boxers; his pygmy puff covered boxers.

Lily's laughter had now turned into very loud snorts and unable to maintain her balance, she fell back onto the couch. Startled, both boys jumped and turned to her, having completely forgotten they were not alone.

"Enjoying the view Evans?" Sirius questioned, striking a superman pose.

"Sure am!' responded lily through her giggling 'Especially the falling off the couch bit, very smooth."

"I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT," yelled Sirius folding his arms across his chest. James just rolled his eyes and began picking up the blanket and pillows from the floor.

"So it isn't you who kicks like a dog in their sleep, and literally kicked his way off the couch?" said Lily smugly.

"Ah HA!" Yelled James. "See! I told you it was your fault. This happens every time!"

"How often do you two sleep together?" questioned Lily, eyebrows raised.

"All the time' responded Sirius cheekily, "he just can't get enough of this sweet sweet bod-" WAAAM! A pillow wielded by one James Potter whacked him in the face. "Hey,' whined Sirius raising his hand to his cheek, 'you know it's true!"

"True or not, that's what you get for KICKING me!" said James with a grin growing on his face. Before Sirius had a chance to arm himself, he was hit with another pillow.

"What was that for?" whined a pouting Sirius. "Lily, don't just sit there, do something!"

"Oh my bad," Lily said before throwing her pillow at him. Unfortunately, this one he caught. A split second before it hit her head, lily managed to yell "Protago!" and the pillow fell to her feet.

"Damn Evans,' admire James, 'Who knew you could do wandless magic?"

Lily blushed a bit and shrugged. "It's not so hard when my wand is still in contact with me" she said pointing to her hair. Lily often used her wand to hold her hair in a bun in the absence of a scrunchie. She only did it when she was alone or at home, as the pureblood witches often gave her judgemental looks. However, she must have put it up sometime last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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