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Gen Z is often put into the category as "troublesome", "disrespectful", "ignorant","misguided",etc. And they categorize all of us. We're all considered to be the same just because we're apart of the generation according to our birth year. Which is something that wasn't in our control. But somehow we're all in the same category. Growing up in this generation hasn't been easy at all.

Most of the good music was in the 90's. Most of us wish we were born into that era. A lot of us feel like we were born into the wrong generation. In this generation we can't really have good times without there being some kind of violent consequence. There could never just be a peaceful good time. Something bad always have to happen.

So most of us stay inside on our phones 24/7. Really what else can we do? And it feels like everything that we decide to do is frowned upon. We're never given any credit whenever we're doing the right thing. Instead we're just categorized with the ones who aren't doing the right thing. Which isn't fair.

Most teens/young adults now would find their influencers on social media. They idolize whoever is popular within the media. Social media,Fashion,Drugs,Alcohol,Hurting one another,And sex are things that are praised. The morals that people who are apart of gen-z have are insane.

A lot of us are often misunderstood. Most of us are relying on our dreams to get us far in life. We're all just trying to survive while doing the best that we can to enjoy being young. Which isn't much to enjoy. But we're doing what we can. We're doing the best that we can. And guess what? That's frowned upon too. It's like we can't do anything. So of course most of the youth are going to choose to be rebellious because they feel boxed in within their depressing realities that they may be facing on a daily basis. But it's not all of us.

We're all not the same. And we all don't do the same things. All of us are different. We are a different generation. We're under a lot of pressure. We're pressured at such an young age to get our lives together. We don't have much time to enjoy our youth. And that's all because we're forced to grow up and be adults.

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