dating fred weasley would include..

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● lets be honest he's serious like 20% of the time, so when he starts taking an interest in you, you automatically think its just another one of his pranks

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● lets be honest he's serious like 20% of the time, so when he starts taking an interest in you, you automatically think its just another one of his pranks

● you've always had a small crush on him but were a bit shy to take it further

● he sends you notes in class with funny little poems or drawings

● or he’ll just be straight up and tell you how good you look

● winks at you during meals in the hall

● wolf whistles when you walk down the corridor

● he even tells george to never have you on the receiving end of their pranks

● your friends tease you about it but you insist to them its all just a part of a joke

● george overhears this though and goes back to his brother and tells him

● he's now dead set on showing you how genuine he is, he really does want to be with you

● so the next morning at breakfast he gets up on the table and declares to everyone that he has feelings for you

● throws in some comments about how gorgeous you are

● his little speech makes you believe him a bit more and you agree to go out with him

● you guys quickly become one of the cutest couples

● he’s always, always flirting with you

● lots of cheesy pickup lines

● “hey y/n! tie your laces will you, i don’t want you falling for anyone else.”

● “you spend so much time in my mind I should charge you rent.”

● loves making you blush

● will talk about you to anyone, even teachers

● bonus points if you're nearby bc this just makes him talk even louder just to see you get embarrassed

● “sorry professor, i couldn't do my homework as i've been busy with my beautiful girlfriend. you might know her she's over there.”

● he just lights up whenever you're around

● will kiss anything your insecure about (if there is anything)

● he just thinks your the most gorgeous person ever

● 100% blows raspberries on your stomach

● being the only one to see a softer more serious side of him

● helping him and george with their pranks, then with their products for the shop

● he always finds a way to talk teachers out of giving you detention if you get caught, even if he has to do double

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