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i'll never understand how i've managed to keep lacey so close to me for so long. we've been together for a year, and she moved in with me about six months into our relationship.

so, my favorite thing for the past six months has been trying my best to watch nearly every little thing she does. she's nearly magical, so graceful and perfect.

i often wake up before she does, and every time i do i find myself examining all of her facial features: the slight curl of those lips that i love to kiss so much, the perfect little point of that beautiful nose of hers, her gorgeous cheekbones, and even though her eyes are closed, i can't stop thinking about them. i come undone when i'm looking in those big, blue doe eyes.

there's such a gentleness to her and everything she does, and it makes me somehow gentle just by being around her, spending a while in her space.

then, right on schedule, lacey's cat, bridgers, jumps up onto the bed.

"good morning, bridgers." i say to him, lightly petting his grey coat.

he purrs softly, then gets on top of lacey, meowing for her to wake up.

"hey, let's let her sleep." i say, pulling him off her her.

however, bridgers isn't okay with this plan, hissing and scratching me.

"jesus fucking christ!" i accidentally yell, as he jumps from my arms and onto the floor.

lacey's eyes fly open as she wakes up at the sound of the commotion.

"shit, sorry." i say, feeling bad for waking her up.

however, her being the sweetheart she is, she's more concerned about me, "what happened?"

"i was putting bridgers down on the floor and he scratched me." i hold up my arm, noticing that it's bleeding, "damn, he got me good."

"yeah, he did." she says, her eyes wide, "let's get that cleaned up."

we go to the bathroom where she gently cleans up the scratch. she turns grabs a washcloth, wets it in the sink, then light dabs the blood on my forearm.

"i'm sorry." she says with a frown as i wince.

"don't be sorry, honey. thank you for helping me, although i could have done it myself."

"well, yeah, you could have, but i wanna take care of you." she says with a smile.

i smile back, "yeah, i like it too."

she carefully puts a small, thin piece of gauze on the scratch, then puts a thicker piece of medical tape on top to keep it in place. she places a soft kiss on top of the dressing, then one to my forehead.

"there, all better!" she says, smiling.

god, she's so fucking cute.

"thank you so much, lace." i say, feeling my heart grow at least three sizes.

she nods, "anytime, baby."

she leaves the bathroom, and in comes bridgers, who meows for me to pick him up. however, i just look down at him.

"you are so lucky lacey loves you, you little shit."

killer. (cat adams x female oc) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz