Chapter 3

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Skyping with Phil had ended up being even better than watching his live shows or videos.
It's starting to become routine now. I get home from school, change out of my uniform, Skype Phil until dinner, try to quickly eat dinner without raising any questions from my parents, and run back upstairs where we Skype until I fall asleep.
We've been doing this since Tuesday, and every single time I've fallen asleep first. I never know how long Phil stays on after I fall asleep, because I never remember at what point I actually do end up crashing.
For the past 3 nights, I've discussed everything and anything with Phil.
Our conversations usually start with how his day was, and eventually lead into how my day was. I don't want to lie to Phil, but I also don't want him to know about the 4 bruises beginning to form on my torso from when Miles and his little douchey friends tripped and kicked me in the hallway on Wednesday. So when he asks me how my day was, I say it was good. That's not lying, is it?
I feel like no matter how shitty school is, any day that I get to talk with Phil is a good day. I know it's cheesy, but he just has a way of making all the bad things fade away. I wonder if I make his days better.

I looked down at my journal page, cringing at my horrid handwriting. At least if someone finds my journal, they probably won't be able to decipher my scribbles I call words.

Skype made a loud noise, letting me know I had a new message from Phil.
Aren't you supposed to be at school?

I smiled and replied.
I am at school.

Phil and I both knew that I was lying, that I decided to ditch. It was Friday, which meant that the football players were going to be more annoying than usual as they got excited for yet another stupid game. Despite staying up late and constantly Skyping Phil, I managed to get most of my homework done and turned in every day so that my parents wouldn't have a fit and take my computer away. I figured I deserved a break and called in sick. Our school's receptionist wasn't the brightest, so tricking her into believing it was actually my dad calling to let her know I'd be absent for the day wasn't the most difficult task. I didn't feel like taking notes today and I was most definitely not in the mood to deal with any of the assholes that attend my school. A message from Skype flashed on my screen.
You're such a liar.

I didn't like that Phil called me a liar, even if he was joking. It's stupid, but Phil's the only person I can be totally and completely honest with. He listens to everything I have to say, no matter how stupid I feel saying it. It's just, easier with him. 
I know. Skype?

I sat, drumming my fingers against the desk as I patiently waited for Phil's reply. Instead, Skype began ringing and within one ring, I accepted Phil's call.

Soon enough his face was on my screen and my heart fluttered as I found myself staring at all the pixels that made up the face of Phil Lester.

"Hey Dan." He smiled.

"Hello." I replied, my voice matching the grin spread across my face.

"Why aren't you at school?" He asked, and my smiled wavered slightly. I would love to talk about anything but school, especially with Phil.

"I didn't feel like going." I said, shrugging off the question.

"But don't you want to see your friends? You've never talked about them..." his voice trailed off, and suddenly his grin had faded as he realized that I don't have any friends.

"I don't really like anyone there. Staying home in my boxers, eating junk food, and Skyping you is much better." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Daniel..." he sighed.

I'm not a fan of being called Daniel, my mum calls me that, and although there's nothing wrong with it, it sounds so proper in comparison to Dan. When Phil says it though, it's comforting, and something about it kind of turns me on. Which is wrong, but I don't care.

"Phil..." I whined.

He rolled his eyes, ready to change the subject.

"Dan, I was thinking about something."


"What if we, ya know....met up sometime?" He asked, and he seemed a bit nervous. Which didn't make much sense to me, I wasn't the famous YouTuber here. I was just a fan.

"Really? That'd be cool!" I replied enthusiastically, trying not to sound too gay.

"I looked into it this morning, It'd be a 2 hour drive there, could we make it work?" He blushed.

"Actually, I might be able to let you stay for a weekend..."

"Really? Are you sure?" His eyes lit up.

"Yeah, in 2 weeks my dad's going on a business trip and my mom is going to be out with her friends mostly. Does that work?"

"Yeah, it's a plan Dan." He laughed at the stupid rhyme.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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