Rose Request

171 4 14

Characters of the story:-

Aaden George – 12 year old boy

Howard Jose - 65 year old man

At dawn, when it started lightly raining, little Aaden stepped out in search of a beautiful rose

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At dawn, when it started lightly raining, little Aaden stepped out in search of a beautiful rose. He traveled a long way but couldn't find a rose enchanting as he needed and expected. After traversing through many places, he finally reached a home with a beautiful garden where he saw roses of different types. He opened the gate with spark of enthusiasm and went to ring the doorbell. An old man named Howard Jose opened the door. Old Howard's face expressions hinted about his rude nature.

Howard (in rude voice)- Yes?...What you want?

Aaden- Second best rose from your garden, that also red as blood.

Howard (in rude voice)- My wife doesn't like anyone plucking flowers from her garden.

Aaden- Can you please call her. If the authority stays with her, I will ask her directly.

Howard (in low voice)- She is up in the skies where the night stars shine, she could hear, but not respond.

Aaden- I am really sorry about her, but I badly need a rose now. I believe you can help me with it.

Howard - Why can't you get it from a florist?

Aaden- I searched everywhere except the core of the Earth, but found no rose as enchanting as yours.

Howard - It's because I care my garden same as I used to care my wife once, and a person who cares won't easily give away what he loves

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Howard - It's because I care my garden same as I used to care my wife once, and a person who cares won't easily give away what he loves. Between what makes you search for a rose in this early morning. Are you gonna propose a girl with it? (He laughed)

Aaden(laughs)- I am too young for that, maybe someday in future I may.

Howard - Then! Rose for?

Aaden- It's for my mother. Today is her birthday, she demanded the second best rose from a beautiful garden as her birthday gift, and I want to make her happy.

Howard - Why the second best? Now what's the concept behind that?

Aaden- First best, it's not meant to be plucked, it should remain to prettify the garden. Moreover everyone will refuse at once if I ask for the first best. (He laughed)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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