The Useful Donkey

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A long time ago, there was a donkey that really wants to do something, even little, for the Lord. Unfortunately, despite the donkey's desire, it didn't have the capacity to do it for it is useless. The donkey was weak and stupid.

Once, its master brought it to the market. The donkey's master bought some spices but it was so weak, its master had to rent another donkey to carry the spices home.

Another time, the donkey's master commanded it to bring some food to his sons who were soldiers. The donkey was glad to have another task to do. The donkey thought that if it will do the task correctly, it will be its service to the Lord.

Along the way, the donkey reached the path where there were two roads. Before the donkey left its master's house, its master told it that it should take the road where there was no arrow pointing for it leads to the battle; while the other, which had an arrow pointing leads to a dessert. However, because of the donkey's stupidity, it forgot its master's errand and took the road where an arrow was pointing.

The poor donkey was lost in the dessert and died.

"Oh, it's a shame!" Cried the dead donkey whose carcass was under a bright, hot, afternoon sun. "I died without doing even a little service to the Lord."

Months had past and its body turned to skeleton. The donkey thought that its life was so useless that it is still grieving on its death, for it didn't do anything to serve God.

However, God in heaven had seen this donkey's faithfulness and desire that when nothing left in it but bones; He spoke, "Rise up, faithful and useful donkey! I've seen your divine desire to serve Me. Now, I am responding to that desire."

Instantly, a hand grabbed the donkey's jawbone and the jawbone was smacked thousands of faces and killed thousands of lives of Israel's enemy.

The man who used the donkey's jawbone was Samson. He was a man of the Lord who had a vow of a nazarite. His duty is to protect God's people from its enemy through the strength that was given by God himself.

The donkey realized that serving God was not about an individual's strength or wisdom, for it will never be enough. God is divine; so how could one serve a divine God? Serving Him would require divinity as Himself so that one could have an acceptable service.

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