One Single Vote

141 10 47

(Not all events in this story are correct, obviously)

It's been 4 days since the election and Delaware is the only state that hasn't tallied up all of their votes. As of right now, Trump and Biden are both tied, down to the last digit, popular vote and electoral college wise. Americans across the country have been sitting at the foot of their T.V.'s, waiting for Delaware to cast their votes.


On live television, Donald Trump and Joe Biden were staring each other down as the voting ends. Melania tried to brush her hand up against his, but Trump pushed it away, though deep down, he didn't understand why. 


The past few days had been filled with tension. Trump and Biden had been calling each other a lot, discussing political matters. Same with Jill and Melania, except they were talking about how hard the political wife part is to play.

After the calls, both of the families had went to the voting polls, the last few still open...


Soon enough, an image popped up on another screen, also in view of the cameras.

"51% Trump: 49% Biden- Delaware" Was what it read. That's it.  Crowds cheered, while other booed, and already, a fist fight had broken out, though it was over quickly. Donald Trump looked at Biden as they simultaneously stood up, meeting in the middle of a stereotypical themed political rug, american eagle on it. 

"Donald J. Trump, congratulations." Joe had said as he held his hand out for Trump to shake, smirk on his face.

"Thank you." Trump responded as his stomach churned at the meeting of their hands. "And that face" he thought.

On the T.V. screen, another line was running through it: "Donald Trump only wins by 1 vote, news stations already searching for who it could be."

Wow!! Trump thought. He knew that this would be really tight, but never like this.

After minutes of standing in shock, Trump finally got to the microphone which was connected to the speakers and T.V.s

"I have only one wish for this election." He started, waiting for the audience to calm down. He continued his statement. "I wish to know who that last vote is. I need all timestamps of the votes in Delaware reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the next hour. I need to know who that last vote is." Biden nodded slowly as Trump backed away. Melania and Jill were talking in the background, strangely about the love they share for Fifth Harmony rather than politics.

Roughly 50 minutes had passed since then, and now, the lead of the F.B.I. was taking the microphone, ready to announce who the final vote was. The man cleared his voice and started to read off of a sheet of paper.

"After many of our skilled agents searching for the winning vote, we have come to the conclusion that it is-" He waited a second to continue, and Trump and Biden looked at each other in a way that was weird to explain. "- Joe Robinette Biden Jr. of Greenville Delaware!" Shocked faces rose from the crowd and slowly, Trump turned around to face Biden.

"Joe, after all of this time, after all we've been through, you voted me?" He asked shocked. Joe had his hands on Trumps shoulders and looked down, smiling as he answered.

"Yes, it was me." Trump looked at the F.B.I. manager and spoke once again.

"I demand that my vote is switched to Biden." And just like that, the screen went from 51% Trump, 49% Biden to 50% Trump, 50% Biden. Trump smiled at Biden and they slowly leaned towards each other, on Live Television...

Sorry that this is so short!! And that it came out so late! I can't believe I'm writing this, but here I am

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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