Chapter 2: The Game They Won't Forget

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Tw: violence, foul language, sexual assault, and transphobia.

Philip POV

Tonight was the game, and I can't wait to see Theo cheer, she's one of my closest friends besides Eacker.

I know you guys are wondering how our friendship went sour, I'll tell you. It was junior year, I was 16 at the time and he was 17, we were playing video games and eating junk food as any other kid would do. At that moment I wanted to tell him I had a crush on him and I'm trans, so I told him.

"Uh, George?" I peeped, his head turned towards me, and took off the headphones, "Yeah, what's up?" He smiles, "George, you wouldn't hate me for this would you?" I asked him.

"No, Pen. You're my best friend, you mean a lot to me..." he said as his face turns red, I tilted my head like a confused puppy, "why are you blushing?" I asked, "because...this." That's where I found myself kissing my best friend and I didn't even get to tell him that I'm trans, until after the kiss, that was the worst mistake I've ever made.

Pushed him back by his shoulders, "I'M TRANS!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. His face change from shock to disgust, "you're a fucking tranny! That's disgusting! How could you fucking live with yourself!" Yelled at me, "what?" I said appallingly, "you kissed me as you liked me! I thought you liked me!"

"Yeah, the reason why I did that is so I can have sex with you, Okay?" He sighed furiously, my eyes started to water, "but I didn't want to because you were different from the other girls, you didn't put on makeup just to fit in, you just outshined everyone. I wanted you to be my girlfriend, but now... I don't even know anymore..." he grabbed his jacket and walked to the door. "Wait! George!" I clutched his arm, he looked back at me with a blank stare and snatched his arm away from me, making me fall on my knees.

"Don't call me, don't even talk to me. Because you and I are done..." he slams my door, I slumped over and sobbed on the floor until I fell asleep.
My phone started to ring, it was Theo and Georges, I pressed the green button to answer their group call. "Yo!" I said to them as I fluffed my curly hair and tried to fix my binder. "Hey, Pip, I think you should give the binder a break. You start to form bruises and it seems painful..."

"Yeah, you're right on that, I do need a break from the binder. Give me a sec." I turn off my camera as I unravel my breasts from my binder, I look at myself in the mirror. Just looking at myself without my binder makes me sick, I quickly searched for a bra and a black sleeveless shirt. I hate doing this but that binder was irritating me. I went back to my phone and turned on my camera, "K, ready!" I said to them, "Okay, I'm already at the stadium, I'll meet you guys there..." We hang up and I grabbed my phone, then left.

It's 10:34 pm, my dads are going to be worried about me for sure but I reassured them that nothing will happen to me, and I won't let anything happen to me. "You know you have a curfew right?" Dad said stroking my hair, "oh, come on Johnny, he's a young adult now. I'm sure he knows when's an appropriate time to come home."

"I promise, I will come home at a decent time..." I told them, Dad kissed me on the top of my head and Pops ruffled my hair, "ugh Pops!"

"Bye, stay safe!" They said as I left the house.

(Time skip brought to you by "why am I doing this?")

After the game, Theo, Georges, and I decided to go to this party Eacker had invited us to. "Pip, if you feel uncomfortable about this, we can leave-" Georges said as I cut him off, "no, it's fine you guys I'll survive, let's have fun and celebrate." I got a hold of a few shots for the three of us, "cheers for the Union!!!" Georges screamed at the top of his lungs, "woo!" I and Theo screamed.

Pheacker Trans Au: You don't know meWhere stories live. Discover now