21. It Runs With Hatred

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"Elle, I need you to come with me. Quickly." Joseph states as his brows furrow and deep wrinkles crease on the dark skin of his forehead.

My pulse quickens and my mouth becomes uncontrollably dry. I can feel the panic overtaking each of my senses.

This has something to do with my parents, I'm sure of it. Why else would Joseph be looking at me like I just got hit by a bus? I know that every moment I'm here and not at home that my parents are in danger.

I trusted that what everyone has been telling me is true and that the Protector that was sent there would keep them safe for the time being. What if the Leecher hurt them? Or worse...Endless doom swims through my fear stricken mind, leaving puddles of mass destruction.

"What is it?! Are my parents okay?" I cry out as we walk. People are walking by, looking at me like I'm crazy, but honestly, I couldn't care less. My heart rate continues to climb and bile rises into the back of my throat, threatening to spill out any second.

"Your parents are fine, Elle. I promise." He says with sincerity, but it's hard for me to buy it. "The Protector is keeping them safe. Try not to worry." Joseph continues, attempting to console me, but is failing miserably.  I'm less than convinced by his words, he still has a look of worry painted all over his face. If everything is okay then why the distress?

I let out a loud involuntary whimper. My chest is tightening uncomfortably beneath my ribs. "Please, Joseph. Just tell me what is going on. Who was that man you were speaking to?" I beg. My voice quivers as I speak. I feel like my word is constantly crumbling, one small piece at a time. How long can I go before there is nothing left?

"I will. Let's get out of this hallway. We need to go talk to Peter, in private." He tells me. "Everything is going to be okay, trust me." His face relaxes a little, giving me the tiniest amount of relief.

We walk the rest of the agonizing way to Peter's office in silence. I'm fully aware that Joseph isn't going to tell me anything else until we get there, so I take the time to try and calm myself down. I don't know why because I barely know him, but I do trust Joseph. If he is telling me that my parents are okay, I have to take his word for it. After what seems like forever, we finally make it to Peter's office. Joseph knocks swiftly on the door.

"Peter, it's us, I've just spoken to Damon." He says urgently to the closed door. His forehead is nearly pressed to the surface.  His unknown accent seems heavier as he continues to call for Peter.

I hear brisk shuffling from the other side of the wall before the door flies open, revealing Peter. The familiar smell of tobacco and whisky hits me as he creaks the door open further to let us in.

"Please, come in." Peter motions towards the chair at the desk that I had sat in not too long ago, although it feels like ages since I was here.

I follow Peter as Joseph enters the room after me, shutting the door loudly behind him. The blaring noise startles me, adding to my discomfort as I take my seat. Joseph walks over to the line of books on the wall and lingers in the corner next to the lite fire. His eyes gaze deeply at the large flames. Peter sits in his leather chair on the opposite side of the desk. The scene is all too familiar, with the exception of Joseph's presence.

I speak first, the anticipation of who Joseph was speaking to and his concerned demeanor is becoming too much for me to handle.  I'm certain that I'm seconds from passing out or hyper-ventilating. I suck in a sharp breath to stop myself from doing either. "Peter, please tell me what is going on." My hands are shaking and once again I'm on the verge of tears. Crying is something that I've been doing way too much of lately, but I can't seem to stop it.

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