Chapter 5

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Connor's POV

You know that feeling where you're in bed in the morning, and you don't even want to open your eyes to confirm you're awake? Me every morning. But I did, and I rolled over to a surprise. I was a bit scared at first, seeing someone in the other side of my bed, but then I realized Troye must have drunkenly wandered in here last night.

I looked at the window and saw the sun was just rising. Ugh, too early. I slowly sat up, and swung my legs off the bed. I carefully rose up off the bed, turned around and looked at Troye. He actually looked kinda adorable sleeping. His skinny arms curled up against his chest. His lips slightly parted- 'Snap out of it!' I told myself.

I can't think that way about him. I don't. I'm just tired.

I mindlessly trudge my way into the living room, and fall onto the couch. I grab the cream-coloured blanket draped over the back of the couch. I cover myself with it, and think to myself, 'Get some sleep.' I fall back asleep.

Troye's POV

I wake up and am immediately confused. I don't know where I am. Then I sit up, and it all comes rushing back to me, bringing a throbbing headache with it. I'm staying with Connor because Tilly kicked me out- oh yeah. I remember last night pretty clearly up until that text from him, when all I remember is a blur of random guys- and Connor and me in a cab.

Oh god, what if I embarrassed myself in front of him? Well, he's my best friend, it won't matter too much, right?

I look around, thankful the shades are closed, and I realise that I'm not on the couch. I'm in Connor's bed! Oh no- a million scenarios and questions start racing through my head: If I'm in his bed, where is he? What if something happened last night- something we'll both regret? What if-

The door slowly creaks open just enough for Con to fit through. He slips through silently, and turns to look at me. "Oh hey, you're awake," he states, slowly approaching me. "How you feeling?" he asks, holding out a coffee mug for me to take.

I grab the caffeine and respond, "T.B.H, like shit." I sip the coffee while he sums up what happened last night.

"So all I know is you drank a little too much, buttdialed me, and I came to get you home in a cab so you didn't do anything you would regret. You were really drunk though, and acting quite silly. It was actually a bit funny-" I playfully shove his shoulder which earns a little giggle from him.

"How did I end up in your bed?" I ask a bit hesitantly. "Oh..." he pauses for a second and answers, "I just decided to sleep on the couch so that you could be a bit more comfortable, you are the guest after all." I nod gratefully.

He continues: "Oh yeah, and I think something might have happened between you and Tyler..." he trails off at the end, looking down. "Oh so that wasn't just a nightmare," I utter under my breath.
"Tro, I'm sorry. But Ty's a pretty reasonable guy, I'm sure you can talk to him about what ever happened-"
"Yeah, I guess." I say, a little bitter.
"Wanna hang out today and take your mind off of dumb relationship drama?" he asks carefully.
"Sure, but can I shower first?" I ask.
"Absolutely. Take your time. I'll just do a bit of editing for some videos then."

I took a cold shower, and started feeling less sick. Con tells me there is some nice stores and cafes about 8 blocks from here. After deciding to just walk and not pay for a cab, we walk out of his house, and the sunlight hits me like a punch to the face. At least I'm having fun with Con.

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