going to a new school

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Y/N pov:

It was a Wednesday night, i had just finished settling in into my new house with my family. I hear my mom knock on my door. "come innnnnn!!!" i said. The door opens and my mom walks in. "Hi honey i just wanted to tell you that because we moved you are going to have to a new school". "oh thats fine mom, what school am i going to?" i said "your going to be attending Lady of Bitch Council" "i already applied you there and they accepted you! dont worry though, i called the principle and he said a student will give you a tour around the school :D" "oh ok, im getting tired now so im going to go to sleep, goodnight mom" i said "goodnight honey" i started changing into my pjs (whatever pjs you want to wear) and quickly got into bed

Time Skip (a week)

Y/n pov:
Im so exited for my new school, I've followed a bunch of people on Instagram that go to the school and found a really cute boy thats in the same grade as me that goes here, im looking forward to seeing him around campus and hopefully hes willing to be friends with me. I quickly got dressed (whatever tf u want idc) and went down to the kitchen, i ate a quick meal before leaving for the bus. At the bus stop i was looking around to see if i noticed anyone and in the corner of my
eye i...

SAW HIM, MY CRUSH!!!! i went inside the bus and sat next to him, he looked at me weirdly but i didnt care

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SAW HIM, MY CRUSH!!!! i went inside the bus and sat next to him, he looked at me weirdly but i didnt care. I was thinking of what i should say to start a nice conversation but out of nowhere i blurted out "I LOVE YOUR SHINY BALD HEAD" "WHAT THE ACTUALL FUCK" derek said "I FIND THAT SO OFFENSIVE I WILL SUE YOU" "OMG IM SO SORRY" i said "I DIDNT MEAN TO" the whole bus was in shock and was silent the rest of the way to school. I kept staring at derek the whole way, admiring his beautiful head

A/N: ok thats the end of chapter one anyways enjoy these toe pics (NOT MINE 🙄🙄🙄)

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