Little Malfoy

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Our little blonde daughter runs into our room early in the morning "Mommy, Daddy!" she yells out, and Lucius grunts "What Iris" Lucius says in a groggy morning voice, to our 4 year old daughter. "It's time to get up! I'm up, so you HAVE TO BE UP" she says emphasizing the last part and I laugh and sit up "Is that so little Malfoy?" I say and she smiles at me "Yes mama" she says in her cute small voice. I look over at Lucius as he still is laying down, his eyes were still closed but opens them and looked up at me, looking as tired as ever. He gets up "Says who?" he says in a stern voice "ME!" she says jumping on the bed with us. "You sure are very demanding at-" he stops and then looks at our clock on the wall "7 in the morning! Why must you be up so early?" he questions and gets up out of the bed.

She shrugs her shoulders and smiles at him, he looks down at her and tilts his head a bit and gives her a small smile "Keep your mother company while I leave for a moment." he says and she nods and says "Yes daddy" and then jumps on top my legs to sit down "Oof" I say and laugh a little "I said keep her company! Not crush her you crazy girl!" he says, me and Iris laugh. Lucius walks out the bedroom door and leaves, Iris looks at me "Sorry mommy" and I shake my head "No need to apologize my darling, you didn't mean to crush me" I say and tickle her and she lets out a giggle. She tackles me and we end up laying down on the bed, I still tickle her, we're causing a huge laughing storm. After a few moments of us laughing and playing around on the bed we heard Lucius clear his throat and we look at him.

He was standing there for a minute, and then gives us a look "Well come on girls breakfast is getting prepared by the elves." He says and motions downstairs, Iris jumps up and runs to Lucius "Pick me up?" she asks and he looks down at her "Now, why would I ever want to do THAT?" he says with a slight tone, but also in a teasing way. I smile and get up "Now be nice daddy." I say and wink at him, and walk into the hallway, "Yeah! Be nice daddy!" Iris yells and Lucius rolls his eyes, "Fine" he says and bends down and picks her up. She clings onto him and he walks over to me and grabs my hand and takes us down to the dinning room. He sits Iris down at the table next to his chair, and then pulls up another chair the side of his to have me sit next to him as well.

I start thinking about how we had ended up being in this moment, of me and him being together and having an actual family together. It was almost like yesterday I was crushing on him in school and wishing we were together, unfortunately our story didn't start until after him and Narcissa had separated. She decided to leave him after the battle between Harry and Voldemort, for whatever reason? I don't know, but I'm not complaining, I got to finally be with him and have our beautiful beautiful family. He still does talk to Draco, their relationship is better, I helped him open up and be more kind to him. He hardly ever talks to Narcissa anymore, she tries to avoid him as much as possible. All I know now, is that I am grateful for every moment I have with him and Iris, I would never replace it for anything.

"What is on your mind?" Lucius asks and I look up at him "Nothing my love, just grateful for today" and he nods "As am I." he says and continues to eat and talk with Iris. We finish eating and I grab Iris and go get her ready for the day. "Make sure to have both of you in something nice, we have an important event for the Ministry coming up, and it is important we look as best as we can." Lucius tells me and I nod "Yes dear" I say holding Iris in my arms and walking up the stairs "What are we doing?" she asks and I look at her and scrunch my nose "Some work rubbish that your daddy has" I tell her and she sticks out her tongue "Ew" she says and giggles and I nod "Ew is very correct" and I kiss her forehead, "But it is important to Daddy" I say and she nods.

As I'm finishing with Iris' beautiful blonde hair, Lucius yells out for me, his voice being more demanding and angry, causing me to jump. Iris looks at me with big eyes "Is daddy mad?" she asks and I shake my head "Of course not darling, color in your books for a minute" I tell her and walk out her room, and go to find him. I check his study, but he isn't in there, then the dining room, but he isn't there either, then I try looking in the room and see he's sitting on the edge of our bed, holding his forearm. I furrow my eyebrows and quickly run to him "What is it Lucius?" and he looks up at me with worried eyes and looking as if he is about to cry.

"Lucius, you're scaring me, what is wrong?" I ask and sit next to him and he stares at his forearm and holding it tightly "It did it... the pain." he says quietly and my body softens, the dark mark... every now and then Lucius feels the pain for when Voldemort would be around or call him. "Oh Lucius..." I say quietly and put my hand over his arm and message it lightly "He is gone, you watched him die. He's been gone for 6 years. I swear to you, he is not coming. back." I tell him and he looks at me, fear still in his eyes but not as bad. I put my hand up to his face, and he relaxes more. He grabs me and holds me tightly, and I put my arms around him.

"Are you okay?" We hear our daughters small voice come from the bedroom door, and Lucius lets go and we look at her, she has her little concerned eyes staring at us and Lucius gets up and picks her up "Yes, of course. I was just having a hard time there for a brief moment Iris." He says and forces a fake smile, trying to hide all the sadness and fear to make her feel better. She hugs him and his eyes get soft and he looks as if his whole body got a weight lifted off of him and he holds her tighter. That little Malfoy can sure do some pretty amazing magic without even trying.

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