➵Chapter 1➵

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Shuichi Saihara... That's me.

I was never too fond of my looks , or rather I just didn't care much. I did care but I just never bothered trying to look good or be over the top, which for some reason only drew more attention to me. I didn't mind, just people these days can be... complete filthy, disgusting, and shameless horny, slutty pieces of shit.

What else is there about me...

I developed Misophonia at a young age, I'm pretty sure it developed at the age of 7. I'd always get agitated and distressed whenever I heard certain sounds, like lip smacking, certain tones, pitches, and just voices in general. It mostly got to me when it was my parents singing, despite how many times I told them about it, my parents used it against me as if I we're some dog, they'd purposely trigger me if I disobeyed or messed things up.

I never understood why. I cared about my parents despite how they used my trigger against me, I always believed that you should always love your parents solely because they brought you into this world and took the responsibility of raising you.

Yet no matter how much I cared for them their singing always hurt, it HURT, I'd sweat like crazy, my heart would beat like crazy, I'd get all shaky, my legs would feel wobbly and It'd feel as everyone were watching me, enjoying the pain in my head. just eyes and eyes and more eyes staring at me for being "crazy and Ill" while my temper only got worse.

I tried ignoring it at first but it didn't help at all, I just kept getting angrier, and more agitated to the point where I would have breakdowns full of frustration, but most of the time it depended on my mood, I could tolerate it at times but on days when I'm upset and tired it would agitate me more.

My parents weren't too happy with these "little breakdowns" of mine, so they sent me to live with my uncle. I was shocked and surprised, I didn't want my parents to abandon me like most other friends I had, it hurt.... they left me because of  my mental problems... was that the problem? Where my temper and my problems the causes of which in I kept getting left behind and forgotten??!

Over time I got used to it, I found a show that I loved, Danganronpa. It always intrigued me and made me forget about everything else, I didn't think about being left and abandoned as much anymore, I purposely isolated myself and slowly became addicted, my room was full of posters, plushies, and figures. My friend Kaede said that I was getting out of hand, but I assured her that I just really liked it and that it's not getting out of hand.

I was friends with her since middle school and we ended up enrolling to the same high school, which was a relief because the school was focusing more on kids who actually needed the help, we we're pretty smart, and I didn't really make many friends in that 1 year so I didn't really mind as long as Kaede came along.

I wasn't all that great with socializing which made it harder when I found out that She had to enter school 1 month after I did, because of so many students attending and being on the waiting list, she has to attend a different high school for the moment until a new spot opens up for her. I had to spend 1 month as a Sophomore by myself, most students probably already knew each other and made friend groups, while I had to attend as one of the new kids.. This sucks.

6:45 am
I woke up in panic hearing my alarm ring for the 5th time?? I think.."Shit" I whispered getting annoyed at the alarm, I knew that I had it set to 6:30 but I must have stayed up watching Danganronpa a little more then I should have. I still had an hour to get ready and go there... "CRAP" I groaned but then remembered I had showered that night, so I didn't need to do much. I just needed to get ready, pack my things in my bag, and get there on time.

Once I finished I quickly put my hat on and ran out of the house almost forgetting to lock it, it was 7:25 I still had 10 minutes to go. I was lucky that my uncles house was close to the school, if it weren't I would've been in a lot more trouble. I was 5 minutes away and it was 7:30 so I slowed down a bit to listen to music, I put on my earbuds and kept walking.

I liked it like this, I could hardly hear the people around me, It was just me and my music and I loved that feeling. It was shortly interrupted when someone started tugging my sleeve, I probably didn't hear him when he was calling me so he might be trying to get my attention.

Music to my ears -Pregame Oumasai-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя