➵Chapter 2➵

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Kokichis POV

I accidentally left my phone at my house, I was't surprised since I always messed things up for myself, but I had to call someone, I had to call Maki. I was walking to school and I saw a Raven haired boy with a hat. He looked my age and I didn't recognize him so I assumed he was from a different school.

I was scared but I had to call Maki somehow, I called out to the guy "ah- uh- Hello? E-excuse me!" I said not trying to shout, he didn't turn around. I tried again and realized I was tugging on his sleeve I'm dead I thought, when he turned to face me I jumped a little causing me to fall on my behind. He looked down at me with wide curious eyes while I just looked terrified.

"I- I'm sorry!" I blurted out scared "I didn't m-mean to" He removed his earbuds and apologized. "h-huh?" I was confused. Why was he apologizing? He kept going "I'm sorry I didn't hear you" he said pulling his other earbud out and smiling softly. He held a hand out "Please d-don't!" I shrieked, "huh" he looked at me with a mix of worry and confusion.

"Please, Please don't hurt me!" I begged looking at the floor with my hands on the sidewalks concrete. He then giggled, which only made me more scared "P-pleas-" he cut me off, "why would I wan't to hurt you?" he asked with a smile as he reached his hand out for me. I cautiously and slowly grabbed onto it, he pulled me up and picked my stuff up for me, "why are y-you" I hesitated before speaking.

"hmm? why would I what?" he asked widening his eyes and tilting his head, It caught me a bit off guard "a- I mean't wh-why are you being n-nice?" I looked at him nervously, he only stood back up properly "well, I don't really have a reason not to?" he looked at me questioning why I asked that. "ah! Yeah, you needed something?" he asked, "a- uh- yes I- I did" he asked me what i was and it took a bit for me to actually answer "I uh- I wanted t-to know If-" I paused for a bit knowing that he won't let a stranger use his phone, but I had to. I had to call Maki "You wanted to borrow something of mine?" he asked, it made me jump a bit "A- ah yes, I waned to kn- know If I-I could use yo-your phone to make a C-call!" I sputtered quickly because I knew he'd say no.

"oh" he responded, I immediately knew he'd say no "is that all?" he asked as he pulled his phone out to unlock it "ah yo- you're actually going t-to let me?!" I almost shouted, "well it'd be rude if I didn't" he said as he handed me his phone with the phone dialing screen on "Th- Thank you!" he smiled and backed off a bit to let me make my call.

After finishing my call I thanked him "ah I forgot to introduce myself he said" I looked back at him as I was about to head towards school "The names Shuichi Saihara" he said with a slight smile, I paused for a bit and responded "I- I'm Kokichi, Kokichi Ouma" I said as I smiled back. I waved goodbye as I made my way to school by bus, Completely unaware that It was 7:53.. I was going to get there late.

I managed to make it to school exactly 3 minutes before it started, I sighed I wonder where Maki is I thought to myself looking around for a bit. It felt weird having a stranger be so kind to me it almost felt wrong what if he intends on using that against me and making me pay him back somehow? I should try to avoid him if I ever see him again, just in case.

I headed to my first class as I heard the bell ring, and I was surprised that I hadn't gotten pushed or taunted by someone yet. maybe it's because I got here later? I questioned. I pushed the thought away as I entered my class and took a seat. I heard that a new kid would be coming to school today, apparently he was related to some rich actors and a detective probably some snotty rich kid I sighed thinking about how things could get worse for me if they were.

The kid was running late so we headed onto the lesson, only to be interrupted a few minutes "Today class we'll be getting a new student, maybe if you pay attention to him you could learn a thing or two about respect" she said as she opened the door. I wasn't paying attention until the hat the new student was wearing caught my eye... It was him?? Saihara?! what was he doing here.

"Holy crap oh no" I thought to myself  "He's going to make me pay him back somehow". He was panting a bit and seemed sweaty? He probably ran all the way here since I ran into him and wasted his time. The teacher patted his back as he regained his breath and calmed down "first impressions are always important, now why don't you try to redeem yourself from your abrupt and late appearance?" she asked him "ah yeah, sorry" he said as he stood up properly and fixed his tie.

"My name is Shuichi Saihara, I'm 16 and was born on the 17th of September" he said to the class " Don't you have anything else you would like to mention?" The teacher asked trying to see if the rumors about him we're true. "Ah well, my parents work as actors and my uncle works in a detective business, nothing too special really." The class quietly filled with whispers, talking about his parents, how they had a chance with him, and about his looks. He seemed a bit uncomfortable by all the whispering about him as he tilted his hat a little lower.

"Well Saihara before you take a seat, why don't you take off that hat of yours?" Shuichi jumped a bit before responding "Ah! well you see, I kind of can't" he held his hands out in front of his chest in defense "huh? and why is that?" she questioned him with suspicion, "a-ah It's about- It's something personal" he responded as she raised her eyebrows "alright then... Now why don't you take a seat there next to Ouma over there?" she pointed in my direction causing me to jump.

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