Chapter 2

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Time skip..

Bell rings meaning the end of our lesson. I quickly gather all my stuff and walked out of the room, not wasting any of my precious time.

I walk in the hallways and tried to find my locker. Once I get to my locker, I see a note stuck to it.

'Ugh, who is it this time?' I thought.

I open the note quickly wanting to get this shit over with. I read the note and it says:

"Meet me at the rooftop, its important please.


I sigh, "What does he want this time?" I stated and slam my locker shut after putting all my stuff inside.

<Yuki POV>

I was walking in the hallways with Bella right next to me, practicing her lines for her play. "You're doing pretty well." I smirk.

"You think so?" She asked and I just nod.

"Hmm, but still. Should I go for a more calm vibe, or a cold vibe cuz I'm pretty sure my role can play both of those." She explained.

I chuckled, "I don't know, maybe do both whenever the story line changes every second" I stated.

"Hm, good idea."

We continue walking to our next class, but that was when, CJ walked pass me and bumped on my shoulder.

This girl is getting on my nerves, she always picks on me ever since I transfered to this school with Bella.

I took a deep breath and held CJ's arm and turned her around so that she was facing me.

"What the fuck loser, let me go." She snarled and tried to get her arm off my strong grip.

"Yuki.. What're you doing?" Bella whispered.

"Listen you little shit. I'm sick and tired of bullcrap. What the fuck is your deal huh? What do want from me?!" I almost shouted but still, it got everyone's attention.

"Tch, you wanna know my deal? Then I'll tell you." She stated and pulled her arm off my grip.

"Its because your a worthless bitch, and no one wants you here. So why don't you go run along with your loser princess right here and never return." She stated and turned around.

My blood was boiling and I couldn't help it anymore. "Don't you dare call Bella a loser!" I yelled and pulled on her hair.

"ACH! let my hair go you loser!" She yelped and pulled back on my hair.

"You have annoyed me for the last time CJ! You think that ur so better than any of us, but the truth is? You're a good for nothing loser who picks on other people to make you feel better about yourself!" I snarled.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" she yelled and kicked me making me fall to the ground. Everyone watching then gasp on how hard the impact of my back hitting the floor was.

"Yuki! Are you okay!?" Bella shouted and ran to me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I sighed. I looked over at CJ and she was just walking away from the scene.

"WALKING OFF LIKE A STUPID LITTLE COWARD!" I snarled and she just ignored me and continued on walking.

"That's enough Yuki, its fine.. Let me take you to the clinic." Bella stated softly.

I sighed, "Fine." I stated and she helped me stand up.


I can't believe that little shit. Getting on my fucking nerves. That's the very reason why I hate her whole fucking existence.

I open the door to the rooftop and saw max sitting on the edge of the railing.

He slowly turned around and faced me with an annoyed look. "What took you so long?" He whined and got down facing me.

"What do you want?" I stated not wanting to be here anymore.

"Woah, you got somewhere to be or something?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Just get straight to the point, I don't like wasting my time on dumb people  like you." I stated and glared at him.

"Okay first, ouch that hurt. And second, just wanted to say that you looked really pretty today." He smiled and gave me a heart.

I scoffed and pushed him slightly. "So that's the important thing you wanted to say? I'm pretty? Who the fuck do you think I am?"

"The girl of my dreams that is." He smirked and made a cute little gesture by making a heart with his arms to his head.

"Ugh, disgusting." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "If you really don't have anything 'important' to say, I'll be going now." I said and started to walk away.

"Alright, adiós mi bonita~" he said playfully and I just gave him the 'f u' hand gesture.

He chuckled and I just continued to walk away.

[A/N: yeet- that was intense. Btw, the picture on the top is Max just in case y'all wanna know. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm very sorry for all the cursing (""-w-)👌]

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