Coalition and You and Me

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Me and the girls we're getting ready when Mal walks over to me

"Hey Misty can we talk" i put the brush down and turned to her

"What's up Mal"

"Look I'm sorry for what i said" i smiled

"I had the same fight with Wyatt once about the spell book"

"You did"

"Yeah but then he realized that's who i am and i realized that you can balance being two thing in life and whatever life throws at you you can fight it till the very end with family and friends" she smiles and we hugged soon at the ship we danced i walk over to get punch when i see fairy Godmother and she spots me

"Misty dear how are you"

"I'm good actually i live somewhere happily with my mate Wyatt and my new friends and also I'm an alpha of my own pack"

"That's good dear" she tells me i walked over and keep dancing with Wyatt

"You know i never saw you this happy" he tells me

"Yeah it's fine being back but if tell you i rather be a Seabrook with you than be at Auradon cause i found my fairy tale happy ending with you" he smiled

"And i wouldn't want it any other way" we smiled


You're from the perfect paradise

And I'm living on the darker side


Ooh, I had a feeling

If you got to know me


Right from the start you caught my eye

And something inside me came to life


Ooh, I've got a feeling

Now you really know me




This could be, this could be ordinary




Could we be something extraordinary?


You and me side by side

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