Different Worlds: Sand and Rotator Changing

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It's rotating...

The world will change...

It rotates, and every time it touches the sun and the moon

It always changes its appearance into something new...


Again with the bandages...he was getting sick of it. Wasn't his fault that the Blut Vene he inherited from his mother came out while he was fighting a hostile on a high rank mission...again. At least he was alone for this one. Last time he had to slither his arm far into his sleeve so no one could see the blue markings that for some reason enjoyed tattooing themselves to his skin whenever he was attacked. At least it usually picked his arm. If it was on his face...

Ichigo sighed, wrapping the bandage up tight, from the tips of his fingers to the top of his elbow in order to hide how far the Blut Vene decided to slither down his flesh. It wasn't like it was a secret that he was the child of a man of a disgraced noble family and a Quincy woman. In fact...that known fact was what him carry an invisible target on his back. Made it so everyone kept an eye on him and his sisters, who both luckily had showed no levels of Reiatsu that would be deemed threatening. Ichigo, on the other hand, was born with insane levels of Reiatsu. The 13 Court Gaurd Squads nearly killed him on the night his mother escaped her own execution by their hands. But his father begged for his life...promised to keep an eye on him. Funny how little good that begging did. If Ichigo so much as produced any Quincy traits...his father would have to kill him instantly.

‘Speaking of the old man...where is he?’

The orangette rose from his desk, placing the diminishing bandages in the drawer. He went towards his door and opened it without any caution. Yeah...he should've known that he would be greeted with a foot to the face...



He fell to the floor, not remaining there for long. He leapt to his feet, getting right into his father's face with a look of sheer agitation.

“What the hell, old man?!”

“Just saying hi. No need to get all shouty.”

“You just kicked me in the face!”

“Standard Shiba greeting.”

Ichigo scoffed, stepping back with that scowl he had developed over the years consuming his face. “For the last time...it's Kurosaki.”

Isshin frowned, remaining still. “You do realize that the Head Captain will use that against you when he finally sees something that's worth getting you executed for...”

“You do realize I don't care.” He turned his back on his father, scratching his head. “The old fart can just sit back and wait till he kicks the bucket. I'm not gonna slip up.”

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