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I don't really want to beat around the bush so as you can see up there it's a poster for Differences Premiere !!! I'm really excited for it and I really can't expressed my words through words even though I often do it 🙈

Anyway, if you guys are wondering why I unpublished Differences... Well, the reason is very simple actually.. It's because I think that I really wanted to redo it as I really wanted Differences to be the first book that I actually have the time for and really push myself to be serious about it.. Like seriously guysss...

As you guys know too, I already finished my IGCSE so I really have plenty of time before I started my school back and work my ass off y'a know. So yeahh, I really hope all of you can support my work (I wouldn't call it my masterpiece yet 🙈), vote for it, read it obviously 🤣 and most importantly enjoy it like I do!! I hope that all of you readers can spread this to other curious readerss as well!!

Anyway, See Ya All Tonight at 9 p.m (Local Time) and don't let any differences make you guys apart!


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