Tag 1

42 3 8

I was tagged by ducki797

10 facts you don't know about me

1. I hate pink
2. I'm a vegetarian
3. I'm struggling to think clearly rn because I'm so excited about the fact that I got tagged
4. My first fandom was Harry Potter, but my current favourite is Divergent
5. My favourite song (which changes every week) is don't be sad by Tate Mcrae.
6. I'm afraid of literally all animals.
7. I love food.
8. My phone's home screen background says "I eat when I'm bored. I'm always bored".
9. I draw. I think I'm okay at it.
10. My favourite colour (which also changes every week) is green.

I forgot to tag people, so here you go:-


I feel like I tag the same people everywhere. Meh.

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