Diary Entry :02 (what a month?)

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How have you all been? Long time...... Have won Nanowrimo this year... So I am just damm exhausted and my semester break is also going to get over....... Oh, I am so happy about that..... My writing schedule will go back to normal..... I have posted my Ashish chanchlani fanfic. I hope you guys like it and my original novel as well...
So yes..... On Mondays every week I will post my stories give you all a week to gobble them up.

Life has been very boring and scares as of late. People in my dorm have tested positive and it feels like hell... Of course, being away from home, these rules and regulations protect us but it is scaring the shit out of me guys don't take covid lightly... I mean it...

Hell, even I can't put a cheery on top of this. I don't know what to accept..... One month more to go for this year......

Anyways guys...... Let me know where you are from and how is your covid experience going on?

Stay safe
Until next time
Love love 

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