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"How many more tests do I gotta do doc?" I say as I start to walk towards a large machine. "Just one more for today Satoshi-San." Dr Nayuko says as she starts to jot down notes on her screen pad. It feels like it's been forever since I been in this hospital but it's only been a near 3 days. I sigh and lift my arms up and let the machine scan me. "I can only blame myself..." I mutter as I stand in place. "Whatever do you mean Satoshi-San." I hear as she puts down her device. I turn around and laugh nervously. "Sorry doc, I was just thinking too loud." I say as I pound my chest.
She gives me a weird stare and starts putting an arm band on me. "Just a few more little tasks and were done." She says as she smiles. I smile back and let her continue the process.

Truth is, I got myself into this mess. Sure my plans didn't go the way I wanted too but still. It was the only way to confuse others of what's been going on with me. I could feel that I was being watched since I returned back to school. I was right to believe that theory because Tennge and Lily were trying to find me. All that's in the past now. Something still feels off and I can feel it.... I grip my fist and I could slowly feel the inner darkness reside inside me. "Satoshi-San."I snap out of my thoughts as I could hear the doctor saying something. "Please refrain from moving your hands, I can't take your blood pressure correctly if you fidget." I sigh and release my grip and hold my arm in place. I'm not one to get upset over these little things, but when I gotta do this stuff over and over again it really becomes tiring. I really hope I can get out soon!  Worse case scenario, I could lose my mind here and pretty much raise hell in this hospital... As I stand there for a second I look over to the mirror in the room. "Huh... where did I get that idea from?" Dr. Nayuko releases my arm band and says, "what idea." I laugh and smile again,  "Man... my thoughts keep escaping my head." I really need to stop doing that...!

(As Satoshi follows with his daily checkup, Lily Fuma is just starting her day)

"I'm really getting bad at this." Lily says as she starts leaving the girls dorm. She was supposed to meet with Enju and Tengge so they could all visit Satoshi at the hospital. Lily was handling matters with the school since the principal was away. She slept through her alarm and realized that Enju had called her about 10 times. "They can't be far away from the hospital, I'll catch up to them.... but how?" She ponders for a few seconds. She then see an empty forest trail that leads to a shortcut to the entrance of the hospital. As she walks towards the trail she looks over and senses that no one is near her or even towards her direction. With no effort at all she starts sprinting at high speeds. "I'm not one to rush but this is for a special occasion." Lily says as she continues to run. Suddenly she stops dead at her tracks and she notices something. Three figures we're walking from a distance towards her and they each had weapons around them. She pulls out her spear and makes a motion with it. "Who are you and what do you want?" The man in the middle removes his cloak and Lily looks at the symbol that it has. "Obnubi..." the two guards beside the man place their staffs to the ground and a barrier is formed around them. "Lily Fuma..." the man says as he too holds a spear in his hand. "It is time to see if you in fact were the rightful protector to Ms. Saion-Ji" he says as he begins his fighting stance. With no where to go Lily begins gripping her weapon and she is ready to fight.

"Sometime on your mind Tengge-San." Enju asks as she finishes picking up snacks and bento boxes from a nearby shop. Tengge sighs and helps Enju carry their belongings. "Lily is never late to stuff like this, I wonder why she isn't here yet." Enju then frowns and she tries to reach for her phone but Tengge stops her. Don't worry, maybe she overslept, she is taking care of the school after all." Enju smiles. "Your probably right!" As they both start to leave the store, they are greeted by the ninja seeking club. "Alright girls let's help them grab all the goodies." Yamabuki says as she leads the girls to the bags. Everyone grabs a bento  and a bag that is full of drinks and chips and all sorts of goodies. "Why aren't you helping them out Suou-San?" Enju points out as she sees Yamabuki opening a bag and a candy bar. "That's because John boy here decided to help a lady out." She says proudly as she points over to Johnny who is struggling with the bags as well as his own belongings. "Chivalry has its limits Buki..." John says as he face plants the grass. The group start to giggle. "Wow y'all totally like beat me here!" Hotaru says as she is walking alongside Mashiro. Mashiro then starts to smell and she begins racing to Nanao. "OMG.... is Mashiro finally going to give me a hug without me having to be pushy?" Nanao begins to open her arms up but Mashiro leaps towards the air and snags the bento box from Nanao. "OH COME ON.... WHY CANT I JUST GET ONE HUG FROM YOU?" Nanao yells as she dusts herself off. Mashiro meanwhile digs in and starts eating the chicken legs and Sausage rolls. "MASHIRO!" Hotaru yells sternly. Mashiro then polishes off the chicken with one full gulp and throws the bone to a nearby trash can. "You didn't make breakfast this morning, I smelldelicious food, I eat delicious food." She says as she throws 2 sausage rolls into the air and opens her mouth wide. Hotaru shakes her head and looks over to Enju. "We ready to go see him?" Enju looks over to Tengge and she nods her head. "Yes, let's head on out."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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