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Kai pov


Kai:what the hell

Kai:what the fuck are y'all doing here

Ale:we wanted to hang out and y'all was the only ones still asleep

Alv:we got pictures of y'all cuddling


Alv:yep look

Alv showed me a picture of mattia holding my waist while his head was on my chest and my arms was on his neck while my head was in the crook of his neck I don't know how we did that or how it was comfortable

Alv:you guys look so cute

Kai:ugh I'm going back to sleep

Alv:nope get up


I tried to get up but I was pulled back down oh yeah mattia's still holding me

Kai:matti wake up we gotta to get up

Mattia:no baby just sleep with me I don't want to get up

Alv:you are aware he's not Vic right


Ale:you just called Kairi baby

Mattia:and what about it

Ale:alright that's it get up

Ale grabbed Mattia and dragged him out the room while me and Alv stayed in his room confused

Alv:what was that about

Kai:what was what about

Alv:cuddling with Mattia letting him call you baby you guys are acting like like a couple

Kai:it's nothing we usually do stuff like this so I shouldn't make it seem any different

Alv:but you like him

Kai:correction I don't know if I like him it's still complicated

Alv:whatever you say bud

Mattia pov

Ale:what was that about

Mattia:what was what about

Ale:cuddling with Kairi calling him baby

Mattia:we always cuddle and the baby thing is new it's nothing different and I'm not gonna make it different

Ale:but you said-

Mattia:I know I said I'm questioning my sexuality and kairi might me the cause of it but I'm not sure if I do like him or not plus he's strait so am I and I have a girlfriend

Ale:a girlfriend you don't like

Mattia:I do like her I just like being with Kairi more than I like being with her does that make since

Ale:whatever you say bud

Mattia:let's just go back in the room

We walked back in the room and Kai was sitting in the bed with alv standing in front of him I sat by Kairi but not to close while ale was standing in front of me

Kai:ok what do you guys want cause I could be sleep right now

Alv:we came to ask if you guys wanted to hang out Robert and roshaun can't for some reason

Mattia:neither can I

Ale:what why

Mattia:I promised Vic I'd hang out with her today

Alv:of course how about you Kai

Kai:I'm not busy until 6 my mom wants me to watch Maiya while she goes somewhere for a couple of hours

Alv:ok your coming with us

Kai:I have to go to my house tho

Ale:ok well stop there

I was in my phone looking at Mairi edits I barley even heard anything they were saying

Alv:also Cynthias coming oh and did you see what Vic commented under your Mairi post

This I what caught my attention

Kai:what how I blocked her

Alv:I don't know but look

Alv showed Kai his phone and I saw it was the post he did last night with the same caption and it had a lot of their comments and vics said

Vicmarquess:of course my boyfriend would rather do this with this kid other than me what does he like him or something is kairi another one of those fags

What. The. Fuck vics homophobic and mainly why is she commenting on kais post he never did anything to her


Kai:don't worry about it just get your fucking girlfriend under control this isn't the first time she's commented like that now you know why I don't like her and never will

Then he left out the room

Ale:what the fuck man

Mattia:I-I didn't know she was was like that

Alv:well you better deal with it you don't even know what's going in with Kairi right now

Mattia:what do you mean is there sometime he hasn't told me

Alv:I can't tell you this is something he has to tell you himself bye Mattia

He left out

Ale:fix this man I know you care about Kairi more than you should I know you love Kairi more than you could love anyone and I know you hate when he's hurting so fix this there's a problem and if it's Vic you gotta deal with her this can't go on forever your bestfriends it's just not gonna work

Then he left out and I heard their car start and pull out now I was just laying on my back looking up at the ceiling thinking why did that affect Kairi so much what hasn't he told me and why would Vic say that I was so busy in my thoughts I didn't even notice it's been like 45 min and someone knocking on the door I went downstairs and opened it and it was Vic oh I forgot she was coming

Vic:hi baby

I was mad at her right now so I didn't say anything and she just walked up to my room with me following her

Vic:what's wrong babe you haven't said anything since I got here

Mattia:why did you do it

Vic:do what

Mattia:you were being rude to Kairi under is post he has never done anything to you and calling him a fag was way out of line

Vic:well I'm sorry but you were spending so much time with him I was starting to think you like him more than me

That's cause I doooo

Mattia:that doesn't give you a reason to say bad things about him look I'm sorry I haven't been spending much time with you but Kairi is my bestfriend I've know him longer then anything and I'm um s-straight

Vic:ok fine but I will be watching you too it's always just the bestfriend anyways I'm going to go

Mattia:um yeah see ya

She left out and I heard the front door close

It's always just the bestfriend that's what couldn't stop replaying in my mind so I like Kairi am a gay or bi do I still wanna be with Vic this is to much to take in ugh I feel like punching a wall and that's what I did I punched the wall


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