Eli Goldsworthy Head Canon

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* Being in a relationship with Eli was always a grand adventure.

* Every day was different, but in some ways the same... if that made sense.

* You would wait for each other after every class, and if you were too far apart, you'd meet by your lockers, finishing up any conversation or banter that was left on hold due to learning. Ugh, such an inconvenience!

* Eli would always bring you something to eat when he knew you were stressing about something, knowing you'd forget to stop and recharge.

* You would do the same for him when he got too caught up in something.

* If he was having a manic episode, you would hear him out and not try to fight with what he was saying.

* You had learned that it was best to try and get him to focus on other things, like suggesting watching a movie, or anything that help take his mind off whatever he was fixated on.

* He's really good at helping you calm down when you're having anxiety. He's really the only one who knows how to help with that.

* You keep each other level-headed, but can also enable each other when it comes to things not so serious. Like sneaking out for late night ice cream runs.

* You both are coming up with stupid pet names for each other. He calls you Shmoopy and you call him baby bear. They change constantly and it's always a surprise what you come up with.

* You both aren't much for PDA, partly due to school policy, but sometimes when no one is looking, Eli will sneak in a kiss or you'll cling onto each other momentarily before separating for class.

* You love going on weekend get-away's. Sometimes it's to conventions or concerts, other times it could just be camping in Eli's back yard.

* You secretly hope that you both get voted as cutest couple in the yearbook, and you're amused at the fact that it would probably drive Eli crazy, but he would go along with it because that's just the supportive boyfriend that he is.

* You're both into weird shit, but that's essentially was drew you guys together.

* When you're together, it feels like everything around you disappears, not caring how anyone sees your relationship.

* Neither of you have said it yet, but you're both totally in love.

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