Chapter seven - Welcome Remy

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TW: None that I know of. If I need to add warnings, PLEASE tell me!!!

Quick A/N: Again, I have no idea how job applications work so... yeah. Also, grab more flex tape:3 Also also, when I talk to the characters, all the fourth wallers can hear me if I want them to. Also ALSO also, their hours won't change because I'm too lazy. Now, ON WITH THE BOOK!!!

Remy's POV

Well, I'm screwed! I thought as I watch a kid lick the floor. With my luck, that one wants to apply! :) Oh for the love of coffee- They start talking with the author, and the line vanishes. Nice! Thanks for that! No prob, Bob!

"Yo, can y'all stop chatting with the author and get up here?! You're next!" I yell.

"Another one!" Floor-licker yells, and the pair run up to the counter grinning. We are NOT doing more of this! Just get to the freaking point! Ah, the author's mad at them. Time to have some fun.(Don't worry, the author's too distracted to hear this.)

"Can my friend Remus get a job here?" Floor-licker's friend asks.

"Sure, you're hired." I say, and they open their mouth to speak. "And before you ask, plot convenience." *glares into soul* "Jeez! We get it! Stop punishing us for something you did!" I could unpublish this entire book! "You could, but we all know you wouldn't. You've spent too much time on this already. Now shut your mouth and let us do whatever the hell we want." Fine. I really hate you, you know that? Especially you, Rem. "You love us! Anyway, when can you start?"

"Uh... now!" Floor-licker says. "What's your name? I'm Remus, and that's Patton. We use he/him pronouns" They point to their friend.

"Remy, he/him. You better know how to do this, because I'm literally the only one here other than the manager and I'm not firing you." I say.

"I think I got this!" He says, and jumps the counter. You better not get me fired 'cause of him! I won't, I promise.

"Here's an apron, you can get to work now." I say, and turn to Patton. "You want anything?"

"No, I'm good, thanks. When does his shift end?"

"Uh, five forty-five today. Why?" I reply.

"Oh darn, Virge and I get off at six thirty. You could see if Logan, Janus, or Roman are off at that point, so you don't have to be alone!" He says to Remus. We then hear a large crash coming from outside the store.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this! Wow, two chapters in two days! I don't know where I'm going with this, so plot points would be appreciated, even if I probably won't do them. Remember that you are loved and you are not a burden to anyone, ever. The world is lucky to have you. Peace!

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