Chapter 2

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I'm just so sick of being

"Lucca, put Peeve back in his cage before we lose him again

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"Lucca, put Peeve back in his cage before we lose him again." I huff as I pick up Decklyn.

"That was not my fault." Lucca deadpans and glares at me as he reluctantly sets Peeve back down in his cage.

Last week, someone, somehow lost Peeve.

I don't know the little furball survived a whole seven hours outside of his cage. But he did.

I was the one who ended up finding him. Apparently, hamsters blend in pretty well with makeup brushes. So I didn't notice him asleep on my desk until I went to do my makeup. I only was a bit freaked out when I picked up Peeve, thinking that he was a makeup brush, and he started moving.

I thought my room was on some Beauty and The Beast bullshit and everything was coming to life there for a moment.

But it was just Peeve. No magical talking makeup brushes in this household.

"Well, it was someone's fault for leaving Peeve unattended for too long. I just so happen to be blaming you today." I retort. "Now get to bed."

Lucca rolls his eyes at me and lets out an over exaggerated sigh upon my demand. But then again, Lucca is only five years old. So everything is always over exaggerated when it comes from a kid his age.

"Grant! Griffin!" I call out to my seven year old twin brothers now. "You better be done brushing your teeth soon!" I add as I walk into my room behind Lucca.

"Decklyn stop touching my necklace." I groan, reaching up to pry Decklyn's hand off of the dainty chain around my neck.

A few years back, I would be mad right now. I would be outraged that I am stuck watching my four little brothers right now on a Thursday night.

But it's not a few years back. It's now. And now I'm just used to this. In fact, I expect it at this point.

My mum has become so unreliable at this point it's ridiculous. That woman is full of empty promises.

Maddy, I will come to your show today, I promise.

Maddy, I will pick up the twins after school today, I promise.

Maddy, I will get more diapers for Decklyn at the store today, I promise.

Maddy, I will enroll Lucca into school today, I promise.

Maddy, I will go to AA today, I promise.

The word 'promise' loses its meaning when it's so often used and the promise is always inevitably broken.

Tonight's first broken promise was her picking up my brothers from daycare.

Tonight's second broken promise was her picking them up from my house before bed.

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