Chapter 6

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The "safe house" was a small cave out of many  in a rock wall that had some food and medical supplies, ready to leave at a moments notice. It had two exits, as well as a hidden room in the back wall, with a few more supplies, as well as room to hide inside if needed be. I liked it. Out of habit, I sat closest to the one of the exits. Cain and Marella did the same, at the other exit. Jack settled in between us, close to the wall. Cain passed out some food, and then continued his tale.

"Xoneil was considered the highest of their species, so when he agreed with the mermaids, most of the other Sephers went with. They volunteered to be bonded with a mermaid, and many were, so long as they didn't have any babies to take care of at the time.  But there were some, typically younger males with something to prove, who didn't want any  Sephers to be bonded to mermaids. They were the reason that the agreement had to be made, to keep these younger males, and some females, from attacking some of the kingdoms, killing many inside. The agreement wasn't as effective as they had hoped, but no one knows-" I cut him off

"Of course we know. It's just that most of the kingdoms refuse to see that. Its The Beast's fault. Instead of taking the problem Sephers and bonding them, or at least keeping them under control, he completely ignored them." I switched my gaze to Jack. "Instead, he picked the eldest Sephers and had them bonded, under the excuse "get used to this first so that later generations can be taught." Which would be smart, if it weren't for the rebel Sephers ganging up and killing the bonded Sephers, and their partners. They over powered the older Sephers one by one, and slaughtered them all. They nearly killed The Beast too. He was so ashamed that he hid in his cave and never came out. I say he's completely healed but his pride is too wounded for him to return. I'm calling it now. We won't get any help from him." I finished, crossing my arms. Cain did not look pleased, but I didn't care.

"While some of that is true, Xoneil hasn't returned because the Sephers are waiting for him. Now that they are older and stronger, he cannot come out without being killed in an honorable fight." Cain argued. He turned to Jack. "Any questions?" Apparently, he had been spaced out.

"huh? Oh. Yeah no I think I understand. I just...  How on earth did no one on the surface notice? I mean at least a tremor would have been heard." Cain was about to answer, but I did first.

"The Sephers and merfolk didn't want the land race to know about our races until we felt they could exist with us peacefully. So, about 6 and a half million years ago, the most powerful of the Sephers and merfolk came together and erected a barrier between the land and oceans that kept sounds and sights blurred, or hidden completely, depending on the size of it. It was simply called The Barrier. They made the wall so that wen the humans could co-exist without issues or corruption, it would come down and we would make contact. I highly doubt that will ever happen, at least not in my life time." I explained "And, If the mermaid is smart, they can live for a very long time. The rulers from the time of the Bonded would still be alive if it weren't for the rebellious Sephers  killing them all." Jack looked incredulous. 

"That's a long time. Don't their bodies give out?" 

"Our body's very much differ from those of the humans. Obviously the tail, but we also have two hearts. This is part of the reason that bonding was possible. It wasn't just spending time with the Sepher that created the link between them, it was sharing a heart. The link that was created allowed them to communicate without spoken words. The mermaid would give up their second heart to the Sepher, and in return, a part of the Sepher's soul would be put in place. This not only bonds them, but both the Sepher and the mermaid cannot die from natural causes. They can still be killed, although that is very difficult the older they get, but they will not die from old age or illness." Cain answered. Apparently he liked to teach, because he just wouldn't shut up now. 

"Any more questions? I suppose I should explain the mark as well..." he trailed off. That caught my interest. I looked at him with the most intense stare I could muster. 

"What do you know about it?" Cain looked a bit surprised, but quickly got over it.

"Well, when the Kings and Queens met with Xoneil.........."


Thanks for reading!

i wanted to note that i am looking for someone to do some digital art, for the cover as well as in the book. 

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