Chapter 1: It's your Birthday and I Didn't Even Know It

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I Want... You (Super Fluff!!!)
Chapter 1: It's your Birthday and I Didn't Even Know It

It was a lovely afternoon, at least it suited Eddward just fine. Which was quite unusual as he usually couldn't stand the last week of summer. What with his usual summer internship or program being finished, the heat clinging to his lithe form unforgivingly along the majority of his neighbors (Ed and Eddy in particular) still on vacation with their families--it was usually an unforgiving time. He remembered how saddened he was his freshman year of high school until the last few days before school came around and his companions returned. This time, however, he would not be able to feel this.

As the Ed's entered high school, they began to drift apart. Once they found their own individual crowds and "cliques" their time spent together slowly diminished. Ed was still the same lovable brute and joined the Peach Creek football team. This in turn, of course, meant he began to spend time with the jocks and cheerleaders within Peach Creek High.

Eddward kept his "nerd status" as he joined many educational clubs (STEM Club, Model UN Club, Chess Club, Technology Club) and was the high school librarian's assistant. He did not have a particular "crowd" that he would hang out with per say but he had many acquaintances from his many clubs. He would most likely be seen alone; more often then not in the library, however. While he did not seem to have many friends, he was happy that many of his older childhood bullies seemed to have matured over the years. Or perhaps they had finally realized that having a nerd on their side during the years where their workload would start to increase would benefit themselves; regardless of the reason, Eddward was just happy that he did not get beaten at school. Anymore.

Eddy, however, did a complete 180 once high school started and took a far sharper turn in comparison to the other Ed's. He was mostly seen with the "stoners" and most likely to be future alcoholics. He would mostly be seen with his "crowd" skipping school, smoking in the bathroom (if they stayed in school long enough to do so) or generally just taking up space. They would frequently get in trouble but none of them seemed to care at all. This particular group would most likely be seen at the party scene, they would either be smoking multiple illegal substances or be herded around the table that housed the alcohol.

Eddward shook his head to get rid of the reveries of his old friends as he sat upon the earth and found solace in the woods that made up the majority of his (as well as everyone else in the cul-de-sac)'s backyard. Which in turn served to be a great distraction. This helped his mood immensely. He curled up with his book and sat beneath the shade of a magnificently grand tree and a thermos of lemonade beside his hip.

Books always helped Eddward's mood, especially the book that he was wrapped up in at the moment. It took a lot longer to get to his home as there was a hold up at the shipping manufacture where his parents had ordered it from, making him appreciate when he was finally able to receive his parents' gift even more so. After taking a sip of his lemonade and putting his book down upon the grass (with the spine facing the sky so he wouldn't lose his page) he turned to his iPad that lay beside him on the grass as well in order to get to his music on iTunes. He immediately went to his favorite Beethoven sonata and picked his book back up in order to enjoy the rest of his afternoon.

"What a perfect way to spend an afternoon," Eddward sighed.

He was so invested in his book that he didn't even notice a certain ginger coming towards him. Kevin used this to his favor anyway. He slowly crept upon the nerd and when he felt the time was right he jumped out from behind the tree that shaded his prey and tackled him from behind. "Double Dweeb!" He called out as he did so.

"Ah!" The startled Eddward cried out. Kevin began to laugh whole heartedly as Eddward tried to catch his breath while simultaneously trying to calm his own erratically beating heart. The red headed male helped him up off of the grass with his arms still wrapped around his lithe form. "Why Kevin, what on earth made you do that?" Eddward asked slightly out of breath with the jock still wrapped around his shoulders.

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